It was alright.. nothing is touching Flashpoint still
Tell you the truth, DC needs Bruce Timm again for good animated movies. Post Flashpoint, these DC movies been slightly above average.
It was alright.. nothing is touching Flashpoint still
I kinda like their new attutudes..... but anyway.....
Tell you the truth, DC needs Bruce Timm again for good animated movies. Post Flashpoint, these DC movies been slightly above average.
The Bad
I really don't like the way they write some of the characters, half the Justice League members come off as unlikable a$$holes. Superman is an arrogant jock, Wonder Woman is bloodthirsty and unnecessarily violent, Green Lantern is an ass, Batman is a pompous jerk that acts like he's god's gift to the league, Cyborg is boring, and Captain Marvel is a brat. The only Justice League members that didn't annoy me were Flash and Aquaman.
That magic trident is what did it. It is a powerful mystical artifact and Superman is vulnerable to magic.Was kind of hard to buy Aquaman's brother beating the entire league. They pretty much completely bowed down and jobbed to him so Aquaman could be the hero. No way Superman should've been beaten that easily.