Thread is stupid a bunch of different reasons...
Off tops, not everybody's grandest aspiration in life is to one day be deemed as a negro acceptable and presentable enough to have the great privilege to sit in meetings with rich corporate jews and have the honor of getting their approval...These dudes are rappers...artists...the type of people who chase the dream of pursuing a career in music because they want to make a living by being creative and doing what they're truly passionate about and love to do...these typically aren't the people with dreams of being straight laced corporate suits...hip hop, like rock n roll before it started off as "counter culture"...they're "urban" rock stars...success on your own terms and by your own rules without conformity and assimilation and kissing corporate ass is partially kind of the whole fukking think DMX, if given the chance to redo his career knowing what he knows now, would decide "I'll do it this time the whole time hoping and praying I'm accepted by 75 year old white billionaires 15 years from now" ? Because I don't, I'm willing to bet he just tries to kick the crack habit and go on from there
Secondly, you're buying into superficial outward images to the point of naivete...being some super serious joyless introvert ain't the only avenue to success or becoming a "boss"...not even getting into the actual business world...but far as just hip hop moguls go, fukking puff is a notorious's a part of his image and brand....smokes weed, gets drunk, got a handful of babymamas...and is worth more than Jay...Rush snorted all kinds of blow and was a couple hundred m's up before he got old and transitioned into a buddhist hippy...furthermore all of this "can you imagine so and so sitting and having a conversation with rich jews" shyt is silly...not like Jay-Z or any of these super successful guys are doing all of this alone...all of these guys have teams of managers, consultants, and advisers that specialize in business and negotiation helping them out with that...Jay-Z's ability to remain a relevant artist and maintain his brand I'm willing to bet has more to do with his success than anything he's personally saying or negotiating in meetings with "rich and important jews"...don't matter what the arbitrary superficial appearance of your brand is, just that it's strong