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what happens at the end?

what happens at the end?
what happens at the end?
i think ill pass... Daps for saving me $11 and 2 hoursthe funny thing is the ending is completely different than I'm sure most people will expect
Once they get on the ark, Noah goes insane. He becomes convinced that God wants all of humanity to be destroyed, including his own family, so when his daughter in law(Hermione from Harry Potter) gives birth to twins he tries to kill the babies. the whole sequence is pretty suspenseful but if you're even remotely religious you're gonna be like"I don't remember this in the Bible." Oh, and I forgot to mention the fallen angels who look like rock Transformers who help build the ark and end up fighting an army that tries to break into the ark...yeah this movie was out there
Interested in seeing the response from @valet
the funny thing is the ending is completely different than I'm sure most people will expect
Once they get on the ark, Noah goes insane. He becomes convinced that God wants all of humanity to be destroyed, including his own family, so when his daughter in law(Hermione from Harry Potter) gives birth to twins he tries to kill the babies. the whole sequence is pretty suspenseful but if you're even remotely religious you're gonna be like"I don't remember this in the Bible." Oh, and I forgot to mention the fallen angels who look like rock Transformers who help build the ark and end up fighting an army that tries to break into the ark...yeah this movie was out there
Interested in seeing the response from @valet
I'll wait till it get on putlocker. Sounds crazythe funny thing is the ending is completely different than I'm sure most people will expect
Once they get on the ark, Noah goes insane. He becomes convinced that God wants all of humanity to be destroyed, including his own family, so when his daughter in law(Hermione from Harry Potter) gives birth to twins he tries to kill the babies. the whole sequence is pretty suspenseful but if you're even remotely religious you're gonna be like"I don't remember this in the Bible." Oh, and I forgot to mention the fallen angels who look like rock Transformers who help build the ark and end up fighting an army that tries to break into the ark...yeah this movie was out there
Interested in seeing the response from @valet
If you're religious, unless you're extremely open minded, you'll more than likely hate it. Aranofsky takes a lot of creative license and goes places with the material that I'm sure a lot of Christians will have a problem with. This old black man was like "That was the worst movie ever!" during the end credits
Taking liberties with a made up story eh?
No one ever in the world has done that. Especially with biblical narratives.
But I'm gonna see it, mainly because of Aronofsky.