Kash has to be realest cat on the-coli since VVD.
This my philosophy to a T breh. I can't just do a mundane job that I'm not passionate about. 9-5's will literally kill me. I consider myself an analytical thinker, sohh I a job where I can put my knowledge to the test. I want to job that I roll over in the middle of the night, and jot down new ideas.
word. its always good to be that crowd thats motivated by their daily duties or progressive growth.
I think the most important thing is to establish what they want. If you want a 9-5 job, that's great. I like the patients that talk about their jobs and the great benefits they get from being able to go home by 6PM everyday or that they can take 2-3 week vacations. It helps them juggle their kids and married lives - which is the real struggle when you try to be really successful or influential in any field.
i think post bac. is a great time to evaluate the things you want in life and how to explore whether those are things you want. make a flowchart or something (at least mentally). all the higher educations programs come with substantial debt now so its better to take a year to figure out that you don't want to do it then and regroup before going into it and dropping out later.
either way, as long as people are enjoying their grind, or the fruits of it