I did a Sopranos re-watch about 5 years ago.
I’m currently doing Breaking Bad, and I’m interpreting things a lot differently now as an older man.
I can’t get into The Wire.
I did a Sopranos re-watch about 5 years ago.
I’m currently doing Breaking Bad, and I’m interpreting things a lot differently now as an older man.
I can’t get into The Wire.
I did a Sopranos re-watch about 5 years ago.
I’m currently doing Breaking Bad, and I’m interpreting things a lot differently now as an older man.
I can’t get into The Wire.
You have Tony Soprano and, to a lesser extent, Vic Mackey to thank for Walter White. Trust me, I was joking about having any sort of issue with you preferring BB. But the whole antihero lead character trope started with those two guys as far as televised dramas.
You have Tony Soprano and, to a lesser extent, Vic Mackey to thank for Walter White. Trust me, I was joking about having any sort of issue with you preferring BB. But the whole antihero lead character trope started with those two guys as far as televised dramas.
- Gandolfini acted his ass off. Wasn't really a fan of Tony. Found him to be self-centered and shortfused. Carmela stuck with his BS. I rooted for Walter White more.
You're going about it wrong. You're not supposed to root for Tony. He is a deplorable piece of shyt. The show constantly shows you that Tony is incapable of becoming a better person despite many opportunities to do so. He is a selfish, petty, vindictive sociopath.
This becomes more clear as the show goes on but it's there from the beginning.
I think it's not even comparable to Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad to me is a cartoon. It's ridiculous with characters constantly just doing dumb or ridiuclous shyt just to move the plot along. I don't think Walter White has anywhere near the nuance that Tony does as a character. There's no ambiguity to Breaking Bad. It tells a very straight forward story. It's a very entertaining show, don't get me wrong. But Breaking Bad is a cheese burger and Sopranos is a steak.
I think Sopanos is the GOAT show and no drama is more rewatchable as so much of its strength is in the character studies of the show. There is so many things you pick up 4, 5 rewatches later. Breaking Bad to me isn't rewatchable simply because its strength was in creating tension in the plot where you wondered what would happen next. Once I know the details of the plot then I don't really care.
Breaking Bad also has numerous characters that do nothing for me, at best annoying, at worst unwatchable. Skylar, Walt Jr, Marie are all fukking insufferable. I even hate Jesse. Just unbearable in the later seasons.
Sopranos might have AJ, but it also has just an incredible supporting cast of both characters and actors.
Is Oz that good? It's rarely talked about when we mention great shows. I'm trying to watch less shows unless its 5 star quality
I disagree with BB rewatch. There’s a lot of foreshadowing I didn’t pick up on. WW basically says the whole show in the first episoderewatching it again right now and it's just as phenomenal.
it's impressive just how rewatchable the show is. you can jump in on any episode and be entertained.
a couple things that gets stronger as as the years go by..
Tony's mother gets funnier and Richie gets more dislikable.
Tony is the greatest tv character of all time and Moltisanti is top five.
by the way, that Breaking Bad rewatch is a slog without the suspense. its just goofy and ugly as hell. hated it.
awful characters and actors. Jesse Pinkman and the actor that plays him are up there as thee worst.