begging gonna be in reverse. Nintendo and Sony have shown for decades that they'll be fine regardless. In order for Gamepass to really take off and become what Phil envisions, then he has to get the subs up.
They've already stated they don't make much on it. Putting your AAAs on it day 1 will get you subs, but I still think it's not the smartest business model considering the costs of these AAA games to make and market. They paid way too much for Zenimax to just keep shyt on Xbox/PC. And again almost half of Skyrim's sales alone came from Playstation with another couple mil from Nintendo. That's HALF of the game's base right there.
Easiest way to recoup is keeping those games on all platforms either directly or via gamepass. Gamepass subs make up 20-25% at best of XBox users. It's still business at the end of the day. Suits don't care about console wars.