Juice WRLD Dead @ 21 After Suffering Seizure (RIP)

Mar 27, 2014
But if you were a race car driver and you got killed during a race, wouldn’t people still think of you in terms of racing, even though it killed you?

If you were like Willie Nelson and died from lung cancer, do you think people would still smoke weed in remembrance?

If I was Juice Wrld, I'd want to be remembered as a rapper, not as a dime a dozen purp head

The way you die shouldn't be the main thing people remember about you

Frida Giezman

Apr 12, 2014
Yeah they was smoking woolies but I’m not sure if it was glorified or romanticized in music

from what I remember Raekwon(?) was like the first rapper I remember that spoke about that shyt explicitly

“used to fein for cracks and weed...the combination made my eyes bleed”

I know Sadat x has admitted to smoking woolies back in the days but I’m not sure if he was talking about it in his music

when pac said in a interview you that you best believe that some of your older family members have smoked crack he wasn’t lying lol

shyt wasn’t vilified at first so a lot of people experimented with that shyt

but I remember people like rob base talking about “don’t smoke buddha can’t stand cest” in their songs

that’s what I was referring to



KPJ Gonna Save Us
Mar 31, 2015

Able Archer 83

Two Minutes to Midnight
Nov 12, 2015
Never heard this cat's music so I decided to play 4 tracks last night. Cannot see what people saw in him - doesn't seem like he had a drip of talent. Shame that a young dude is dead, but I've seen posts calling him a legend and that's just straight up confusing.

People throw the word "legend" around way too easily these days.

I think they view "legend" as a synonym for "dying young", which is not the case.

Able Archer 83

Two Minutes to Midnight
Nov 12, 2015
But if you were a race car driver and you got killed during a race, wouldn’t people still think of you in terms of racing, even though it killed you?

If you were like Willie Nelson and died from lung cancer, do you think people would still smoke weed in remembrance?

The difference is, nobody races to die. Nobody smokes weed to die. Dying is not an inherent part of racing or smoking weed; you can race for decades without crashing, and smoke weed for decades without dying. On the other hand, death is an inherent part of taking opoids. It is the experience.

Perhaps most importantly, there's no philosophy in opoid use. People race for a variety of reasons: the thrill of speed, the competition, the merger of man or machine, etc; that's it's philosophy. An entire religion is based around cannabis use, and how it enables its users to achieve inner consciousness; that's its philosophy. The only philosophy in opoid use is opoid use. The only aim of opoid abuse is to perpetuate the abuse. The only end of opoid use is a bigger addiction and/or death.


Jan 29, 2014
The difference is, nobody races to die. Nobody smokes weed to die. Dying is not an inherent part of racing or smoking weed; you can race for decades without crashing, and smoke weed for decades without dying. On the other hand, death is an inherent part of taking opoids. It is the experience.

Perhaps most importantly, there's no philosophy in opoid use. People race for a variety of reasons: the thrill of speed, the competition, the merger of man or machine, etc; that's it's philosophy. An entire religion is based around cannabis use, and how it enables its users to achieve inner consciousness; that's its philosophy. The only philosophy in opoid use is opoid use. The only aim of opoid abuse is to perpetuate the abuse. The only end of opoid use is a bigger addiction and/or death.

I haven’t used an opiate or opioid but I wouldn’t comment on what people are getting out of the experiences

Regardless this is another reason we need to end the war on drugs. US military is over in Afghanistan for over 15 years actively protecting the poppy fields because of what it means for that economy in that part of the world, over 90% of the world’s supply of poppies come from Afghanistan

Meanwhile people in South America are being killed by violent cartels that are propped up by these policies,

The war on drugs amounts to economic protectionism for the cartels (in turn these cartels tear countries apart as innocent people get caught in the crossfire), an inflation of domestic crime rates which contribute to the criminal element and rising prison population, racism (disproportionate affect on people of color) and corporate favoritism (pharmaceuticals can deal dangerous drugs to kids all they want). The war on drugs is tyranny and a bigger atrocity than the holocaust when you look at the effect of what’s going on out there. A lot of these laws are what police use to predicate their harassment. When America declared a war on drugs they declare drug a war against its own people. The war on drugs is a war on freedom

The war on drugs is the epitome of our countries misguided policies amounting to either incompetence or corruption
. . But whatever, as long as your local police department gets their new equipment budgets and hirees so they can all live off of their police/judicial/prison industrial complex pensions - lets just make sure our political discussions stay along the lines of who can use what bathrooms, yeah let’s keep our national discussions about issues that effect a small portion of one percent of the population

Without the war on drugs cartels are replaced by Starbucks and other likeminded businesses that sell clean and safe legal drugs that aren’t adulterated by the criminal element

If you “woke” go post that^ on your Facebook
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