You cant sue a opioid manufacture because your son is abusing the product. C'mon now. The drugs themselves dont cause seizures, it's the withdrawal that causes them. Very common with benzos like xanax.
1st off lemme say Rest in Peace to the young King & may his spirit be guided to peace . 21 is waaaay to young.
but bacc when i was in the streets & was hustling . I was addicted to the xanax tough (straight from the pharmacy) .
I was poppin like 4 or 5 of them hoes a day, & then i would drink a Redbull to keep me to stay up (Universe kept me here for a reason)
Anyways. if I went a couple hours or even a DAY without having them hoes in my system, I would go into a seziure (which i had no medical history of). One year, i had 4 seizures & it was strickly from the chemical imbalance in my brain for my body not having the bars in my system.
Last one i had was about 5 years ago, before i got bacc on my music shyt. & I remember waking up wit blood all over my shirt & my mama standing over me crying . Doctors told me I had stopped breathing so long after the seizure they thought i was dead
that was my wake up call brehs & at that time i was JuiceWrld age. Never took another Xan again & never had another seizure again .
R.I.P. Once again.