JonBenet Ramsey, so it was the parents?


Apr 30, 2012
Dade County
We got a fakkit in here named kasper that was raped as a kid like jonbenet. And instead of being white they are Dominican and instead of being from a rich family it’s a dirty poor Spanish fakkit form som dusty manhattan projects
As a Dominican man, this made me laugh and it shouldn’t had but yeah I laughed

Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
Ok fukk these documentaries. And this is really for my note so no one has to read it lol.. but if anyone does want to read, I am not on Reddit or gossip sites or relying on other peoples theories. At this point fukk my previous post, I am only looking at work from lead investigators and information in actual police reports. None of this is simply me thinking I’m smarter than anyone and just speculating. ..but instead of new post I’m just going to update as I go along. Now I’m seeing the police reports and the shyt left purposely left out of the documentary in their attempts to completely rule out any competence and real police work from the boulder police department. Authentic police work was often blocked by the DA in which they were literally road blocked multiple times in this case, also dealing with an uncooperative mother and father. All of these reports are online. They never said an intruder didn’t exist for the reason there were not prints in the snow. In the police report they are simply stating the fact no footprints were found and themself stated it wasn’t snow in the backyard. That was not the sole reasoning for ruling out an intruder. Lies from the documentary again…also they used cameras from a business in the area to track every car that turned onto the Ramsey’s street that day. They seriously investigated the possibility of an intruder. Yet the documentary makes it seem as though they didn’t want to take it into consideration

The police asked the parents to turn in their clothes including patsy’s boots and coat in which beaver fur was also found on the tape . Not only did they not comply, but they didn’t turn in these items until a year later. Patsy wearing the same outfit the next day and refusing to turn it in.

Both parents changed their stories. John stating he read them a book and put them to bed. Later saying he put her to bed and then he read a book himself, stating police may have misunderstood. 2 officers heard him clearly and wrote this in their reports.

Patsy also has a history of changing her stories. Stating she put a red sweater over her daughter’s top and white longhohns night of the murder. The officer Det. Arendt the next morning notices a red garment by the laundry next to her room . When JBR is found she’s wearing a white shirt and white longjohns. Later Patsy says she never had her in the red sweater, and it was always just the white long John’s. Neither parent remembers how they put their child to bed? I know it was a lot going on, but as someone with kids (boy and girl) those same exact ages, I promise me and my wife would remember those details. Also stating they never gave her a pineapple when it is found she digested one that night before her death. They soon stop cooperating with the police department and end up flying back to Atlanta. John and his friend (the one who had the Christmas party, get into a fight after the funeral after the friend confronts him about them not cooperating with police. ).
Edit : John’s friend Fleet was part of the friend party called over immediately by his wife after getting off the phone with the police. She immediately calls her friends and tells none of them what happened until they get there. Fleet daughter a year earlier had gone missing momentarily, but him and his wife had found her hiding in the basement. So although there was a letter, Fleet ventures down towards the basement calling for JBR. (John later tells the police this is suspicious) but this is a parent using his daughter’s missing moment for reference and just trying to help. At 6:40 am he goes alone (the house is now full of friends and family) downstairs and goes to the window to check if it is locked. He tells the police it was locked. He also takes responsibility for moving the suitcase there to inspect the high window. The documentary leaves us with these questions about why the suitcase is there , but somehow forgets to mention the friend literally tells the police he moved it there! lol. It’s in the police report. Meanwhile John tells the police later that day his first time inspecting the room was the time right before him and his friend found the body at 1pm in the wine cellar and ge notices the window had been open. He did not know his friend told the police that the door was locked when he checked at 6:40am. John changes his story to say he was down there shortly before his friend actually . Another lie!

The police keep getting lies and changed up stories. They follow up with every possible lead and investigate his friends, even following one to a ski resort. The department may have been somewhat incompetent in areas, but a parent is not outright refusing to cooperate when their daughter is murdered. These are the reasons the public and police grow sharper suspicions of the family. It is their own doing

Parents were flighty, did not fully cooperate with the police, but had no problem doing public interviews and even appearing on Larry king to argue with the police officer (whom although made some bad errors , was road blocked by the DA in procuring the appropriate evidence in regards to testing for dna). He was shown as a lier in stating his theory the mother threw a fit because the girl wet the bed. He admitted ok maybe I was wrong in that being the reason, since the sheets were dry. HOWEVER Several officers reported the sheets smelled of urine and the long John’s were wet. He was not lying about that as exclaimed. Yes her bladder expelled urine in her death, but this brings us back to the sweater

From Steve Thomas' book:

Later JonBenet awakened after wetting her bed, as indicated by the plastic sheets, the urine stains, the pull-up diaper package hanging halfway out of a cabinet, and the balled-up turtleneck found in the bathroom. I concluded that the little girl had worn the red turtleneck to bed, as her mother originally said, and that it was stripped off when it got wet. (Bringing us Back to this red sweater that patsy changed her story about)

-Steve claim is supported by 3 other officers/ we watch the doc looking at him as a big bumbling idiot when in reality he only comes to this conclusion because of patsys lies

Recent edit:
The detective - Lou smit. This is obviously a good man with integrity who wanted to help this family, but remember he joined the case later. The police were there first. What the documentary does not tell you is the police did inspect the grate, which Lou says was the entry way for the intruder given the windows looked undisturbed and covered in cobwebs. What the documentary does not tell us is the police took photograph evidence of the grate and considered this. However… it was completely covered in cobwebs indicating nobody had opened this in fukking forever. So now we have no entry way for an intruder. No forced entry. And the only possible entrance not requiring a lock shows nobody has used it in an extremely long time. Where did this supposed intruder come from?? Down the chimney??

They literally pulled in a spider expert from the university of Colorado, stating during this time spiders go into hibernation, therefore it is IMPOSSIBLE that a spider rebuilt that web the following morning.

but one huge smoking gun of sorts was the stun gun. I used to be in the marine corps and immediately thought no reason for the parents to stun gun the child when you can subdue them a lot easier. It’s only a 6 year old child. But ok maybe it was just used for torture. Well then I looked at the picture. And this has already been debunked anyway. A stun gun leaves burn like marks. Not just little dots or bruises. Those marks indicate she was hit or stuck with something. It does not replicate a stun gun. So the entire image of how she may have been subdued changes. There is no sign of struggle in her room because it wasn’t necessary. So what are those marks then? Guess what lay immediately in the same exact area JBR lay deceased. Pieces if a train track. Pieces of a train track that have connection pieces on each end with the exact same diameter of the marks on her body. She was obviously poked with that train track. It was measured and is literally the same exact distance and more compatible with those marks of being poked. (You can find these pictures on the internet yourself) the stun gun was debunked years ago. This is not me blaming the brother at this point at all. I’m just stating what caused the bruises most likely. These are the police findings as well. One thing I do know is it is very odd for a random intruder to be using her brothers train tracks to poke at the victim. When they as an adult have all types of other things they can be doing or using.

Take that what you will. But the main point now is that we do not have a clear picture of how she was subdued out her bed quietly by a possible intruder (which I don’t believe) coming upstairs from the basement , grabbing her and carrying her back down into the basement for a substantial amount of time. no stun gun was used. How was she subdued? I am not saying of course that you can’t quietly subdue an 6 year old in other ways, but it’s clear the way the Ramsey lead investigators laid it out, did not happen in that way. Also Body did not experience any electric shock.


the more I read I’m hearing about all of these different fibers that were found on her body. Around her privates, which was wiped clean as well as other parts of her body (?????) beaver hair and fabrics from multiple places on the tape , I mean everywhere. Yes the family was there and the crime scene was all fukked up… but some of the material found on her are coming from material all over the house. Is this accidental or a purposeful manipulation of the crime scene and attempt to suppress any validity to dna as it is being completely ruined.. the coroner states clearly that it seems that parts of her body had been wiped clean. The DNA was essentially ruined and completely contaminated with fibers and materials. Those same items the Ramsay’s removed from their home the next day , including their clothes and denied any clothing or items to the police until a year later. :gucci:

Sons bootprint found in the wine cellar
still reading
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Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
Again please ignore me. But I’m just using one more post for space. My last one (this was a lie lol)

- For anyone still thinking a magic intruder entered , well let’s look at the one of only footprints clearly found in the room.

From Foreign Faction: Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet? by James Kolar

“Footprints shown as a pair of Hi-Tec hiking boots at the time, and it was thought that the poon of his boot could have been responsible for the intruder's footwear impression in
the mold of that room. Though I hadn't read the reports yet, Trujillo told me that they believed Burke had also owned a pair of Hi-Tec brand hiking boots, and he could have
been responsible for the intruder footprint evidence in the Wine Cellar. BPD investigators had been contacted by a store clerk in Vail who believed Patsy Ramsey had purchased a set of Hi-Tec brand hiking boots before the murder. They had also been told by one of Burke's playmates that
he owned a pair of this brand of hant”
:ohhh: (This establishes the fact that at one point that night Burke (the brother went down to the wine cellar in the basement)

The Pineapple- The brother Burke he was up later that night and went downstairs to get a snack. The snack was milk with a tea bag in it (his favorite snack) and pineapple which detectives found still on the table. This isn’t up for discussion. The bowl contained only Burke and his mom’s fingerprints (Patsy does the dishes of course) . The same thing (pineapple) was found undigested in JBR which was ate shortly before her death around midnight. The parents say they never gave her a pineapple. Well that might be the only truth they told. But they lied about nobody ever waking up. JBR and her brother both ate pineapples. Not uncommon for siblings to do while parents are sleep (we all been there) in fact the maid said the kids did this all the time when the parents were sleep. It was right after Christmas and Burke was downstairs with his toys and eating a snack. JBR got out of her bed, like the pictures of her room resemble) and walked downstairs to the kitchen with her brother. Here is Burke being interviewed being asked a simple question. My son is his same age. He is acting like he doesn’t know what a pineapple is
A neighbor noticed that the kitchen light was turned on in the house and the upper lights (but the parents stated they were sleep at this time… the kids were awake). What intruder is walking in a house with people in it in the middle of the night turning lights on. Especially when he has a flashlights. Why risk waking everybody up. Her bedroom light also was on. So it’s not a question both kids were up eating a snack and JBR was NOT taken from her bed

The parents stated that Burke was still asleep that morning during the 911 call. Another lie. The 911 operator went to her supervisor hearing “what do we do “ in the background . She thought it was said in a tone that was suspicious. This was Patsys call to 911. The operator asked her supervisor if they could enhance the call as this was sent to the FBI . They enhanced the call.

“Producing a previous set of handwritten notes, the technicians revealed their interpretation of the words spoken by the voices heard on the tail end of the tape. They all stared in amazement. Everyone who had listened to the enhanced version of the 911 tape had independently identified the same words and gender of the people speaking them. There were three distinct voices heard on the tape and the
conversation was identified as follows:”

Male (angry) - We are not speaking to you!!!
Young male - “what did you find?”

Is this how you would speak to your child when their sibling is missing? What did he do for his father to be so angry at him .
He was having a conversation with his parents. He was not sleep
After Dr. Phil and the CBS lawsuit, Burke’s lawyer put out a statement saying that Burke never said he was asleep. His parents said multiple times he was . Why lie about this??

Stated my synopsis in a reply. To be clear this isn’t my dumb ass take on things on a hunch. I read through hours of police reports and fbi statements reached my conclusion . (I saw pictures of every entry way and every thing in evidence (public record) My conclusion is my opinion, I’m not a police officer. It’s just my opinion but everything I said prior is fbi/ police work I’m posting here, not opinions. As a parent I don’t find joy in my conclusion and previously told people in here they were ridiculous for thinking the parents had anything to do with this. Please remember the jurors found them guilty in the grand jury trial. They were only absolved by the judge. And to be clear they found them guilty for negligence and (I forgot the other thing sorry) so it wasn’t that they were wrong and stated John or Patsy did it exactly. But based off all the evidence which none was shown in the documentary. They reached the conclusion there was no intruder and the parents at the least were involved as the murderer was in the home. The idea of Burke killing his sister WAS presented to the grand jury.

The only thing they preventing Burke in some authorities eyes of being the killer is that the garrote was presented as being more complicated than it actually was. Nobody had a hard time believing a 9 year old boy has the strength and capable of hitting with flashlight to the point of caving in someone’s skull. He hit his sister in the head with a golf club for Christ sake which was witnessed by a family friend (he is not easily capable of hitting her with something like a flashlight???)Flashlights are hard and It was NOT plastic. I have a 9 year old and he is strong as hell. He was a Boy Scout and tied a Boy Scout knot around the stick. And the part of the paint brush that was inserted in her vagina (a man would engage in penile insertion ) indicating sexual assault in which would not be expected of a little boy. There were marks on her body that resembled the exact diameter of Burkes train tracks which were found alongside her body. (Possibly sticking her to see if she was actually dead) The parents staged the crime and used the illusion of sexual assault (she was already dead at this point. Stated by the coroner.) to give the impression a grown man had committed the crime as without the sexual assault it just looks like straight murder and does not align with someone who intended to ransome a child , but just got caught up in the moment and decided to leave the body in the house with their dna planted all over it. (The dna was contaminated with the Ramsay’s things including sweater fabric, beaver hair and other materials).

These are college educated Millionaires. They are not dumb people

(Body language - his eyes completely veer off when stating he did not kill his sister/ he tries to avoid eye contact with dr Phil )

Edit : Burke is also responsible for the paint brush being inserted. The parents have nothing to do with that
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Oct 8, 2014
In 2008, advancements in DNA technology exonerated both parents from any involvement in their daughter’s murder. DNA evidence collected from JonBenét’s body did not match either parent or her brother Burke.

Other Suspects

Several other individuals have been investigated as potential suspects:

  1. Michael Helgoth: A man whose boots matched prints found at the scene and who owned a stun gun similar to what investigators believed could have been used on JonBenét. However, he died by suicide before he could be charged.
  2. Bill McReynolds: A local Santa Claus performer who had interacted with JonBenét shortly before her death. He became a suspect due to his past experiences but was never charged and died of natural causes.
  3. Gary Oliva: A known sex offender whose name surfaced early in the investigation after friends reported he expressed distress about harming a little girl. He has since confessed to various crimes but has not been conclusively linked to JonBenét’s murder.
  4. Unidentified Intruder: Some investigators believe that an intruder may have entered the Ramsey home and committed the crime. This theory gained traction particularly through the work of detective Lou Smit, who argued against the notion that someone within the family was responsible.
Current Status of Investigation

As of December 2024, despite reviewing over 1,400 pieces of evidence and generating more than 50,000 pages of investigation documents without reaching a conclusion about who killed JonBenét Ramsey, law enforcement continues to explore new leads and advancements in forensic technology may provide further insights into this cold case.

Given all available information and investigations conducted over nearly three decades:

The identity of JonBenét Ramsey’s killer remains unknown, with no definitive evidence pointing to any individual as responsible for her tragic death.

Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
In 2008, advancements in DNA technology exonerated both parents from any involvement in their daughter’s murder. DNA evidence collected from JonBenét’s body did not match either parent or her brother Burke.

Other Suspects

Several other individuals have been investigated as potential suspects:
  1. Michael Helgoth: A man whose boots matched prints found at the scene and who owned a stun gun similar to what investigators believed could have been used on JonBenét. However, he died by suicide before he could be charged.
  2. Bill McReynolds: A local Santa Claus performer who had interacted with JonBenét shortly before her death. He became a suspect due to his past experiences but was never charged and died of natural causes.
  3. Gary Oliva: A known sex offender whose name surfaced early in the investigation after friends reported he expressed distress about harming a little girl. He has since confessed to various crimes but has not been conclusively linked to JonBenét’s murder.
  4. Unidentified Intruder: Some investigators believe that an intruder may have entered the Ramsey home and committed the crime. This theory gained traction particularly through the work of detective Lou Smit, who argued against the notion that someone within the family was responsible.
Current Status of Investigation

As of December 2024, despite reviewing over 1,400 pieces of evidence and generating more than 50,000 pages of investigation documents without reaching a conclusion about who killed JonBenét Ramsey, law enforcement continues to explore new leads and advancements in forensic technology may provide further insights into this cold case.

Given all available information and investigations conducted over nearly three decades:

The identity of JonBenét Ramsey’s killer remains unknown, with no definitive evidence pointing to any individual as responsible for her tragic death.
The brother killed his sister and the parents covered it up. They contaminated the DNA, the very next day removed all of the items and materials found on the tape, on her oversized panties and other parts of her body which included beaver hair from their house. (Mother’s sweater, fur boots jacket, other things) Very next day. They do not cooperate with the police or turn in requested items for dna testing. Patsy immediately called her friends and family over to the house after the 911 call and further contaminated the scene.

The coroner himself stated her vagina and other parts of her body were wiped clean before he got to her. The parents refused the police departments request to turn in the items as well as their clothes which contained these fabrics until a year later. The DA allowed this and obstructed the investigation.

The 911 operator sent the call to the fbi because she thought it was suspicious. In the enhanced recording there is an angry exchange with the father telling his son “we are not talking to you”. There were no forced points of entry . In fact cobwebs spiderwebs on the grate and windows in the back yard. Spiders hibernate during the winter and it is impossible for it to be rebuilt the very next morning ( verified by spider expert at the university of Colorado/ pictures taken by the police. and the parents lied to the police frequently. John told police a window was left open around 1pm when he discovered his daughters body, not knowing his friend had already been down there shortly after 6am and told the police the window was locked, as he moved the suitcase by the window to check and make sure. In the doc they act as if they didn’t know why the suitcase was there. John later changes his story to the cops and says he went down there to the basement earlier . Him and this same friend get in a fight after the funeral as the friend feels he is lying and not cooperating with the police, while they are now gone from Colorado and back in Atlanta. It was the friends Christmas party, he had a alibi. His daughter’s body is in Rigamortis yet he picks her up and carries her upstairs . Again putting his dna on her body in front of the police. Further contamination . Blood also contaminated with fabrics and materials.

The children were up in the middle of the night as the maid said they did all the time. They both ate pineapples, and lights were turned on with the boy admitting he was up.
The neighbor stated the kitchen light and upper lights were on in the house. The pineapples are consistent with the autopsy found that she ingested it around midnight. The parents state they did not give her a pineapple, yet the boys fingerprints were found on the bowl and he admitted he was still awake. She went downstairs to meet her brother there, she was not taken.

The authorities found the pineapple bowl and the boys favorite drink milk with a tea bag in it the next day upon entrance as it was still on the table. A motive would be that JBR took a pineapple from her brother making him angry. The maid and previous made rehashed conflicts between them and the brother making comments about how people ooh and ah over just her. There were real jealousy issues he had towards he beloved sister.The brother hit his sister on the head with the nearby flashlight the maid said he slept with every single night, although the parents claim they did not recognize the flashlight (whaaaat) (wiped clean by the parents / no fingerprints found on the flashlight he sleeps with every single night…huh?) in 2016, Burke says his dad put him to sleep with a flashlight! Assault happened at some point downstairs and her body contained marks of being hit and poked by Burkes train tracks which was found next to her body and had the same diameter to her wounds. The garrote is the unbelievable part to where they say it is too complicated for a boy of his age.. what is not mentioned is he was a Boy Scout. Boy Scouts are taught how to do this. The paint brush is either done by the parents to make it seem as though an intruder came in and sexually assaulted her or he Burke did it himself. Patsy wrote the crazy foreign faction fantasy note the fbi stated was bogus (that closely matched her handwriting and contained the specific number 118k ransom as her husbands bonus) as a desperate mother trying to protect her child. There was no ransom . There was no call the next day prior to the body being found, which the kidnappers said they would call. (The maid while not present that night herself stated someone in that house had to kill her because the layout of the house would make it extremely difficult for this to happen quietly) with her being taken from her room.

Both parents are covering up for their son. Most child murders are commited by the family at a large ratio. What people don’t know is the grand jury indicted them and found them guilty. They are only free because the judge disagreed and ruled they were innocent because he stated it was not the moral thing to do essentially giving them the benefit of a doubt as a family. (I’m aware Patsy is deceased) I believe every single juror or atleast the majority of course ruled guilty. John and his son are psychopaths and he plays along as the caring father looking for justice. He is a millionaire and a professional liar . These things happen all the time with children killing their siblings and parents covering up for children. Not understanding why it’s so unbelievable when most child murders are done by their family

Edit : Burke is also responsible for the paint brush being inserted. The parents have nothing to do with that
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Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
The parents ever do a lie detector?
Not at all, even though BPD requested it. They denied taking on from the FBI stating it may somehow be manipulated. Stating and saying they would do their own independent test. If my child is murdered me and my wife would have no problem taking that test with the authorities. The case was obstructed by the DA. Many of the police departments request were denied and they were not able to investigate properly, including being denied the parents clothes and items that were found on JBR body in various places including the tape and her vagina which the coroner stated was wiped clean prior to him receiving it. Obstruction is stated by essentially all officers involved in the case. If the police had the items around that time they could link the murder since the dna was contaminated.
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Apr 15, 2017
Cacs are sadistic deviants that aren't above killing or molesting their own kids..its very commonplace in their communities and households.

Y’all need to stop this. There were 3 stories this week on the Atlanta news station about black women killing their babies

And other dudes here talking about the family were pedos :snoop:it’s some wild ass accusations in here without proof

In The Zone '98

Oct 30, 2017
Not at all, even though BPD requested it. They denied taking on from the FBI stating it may somehow be manipulated. Stating and saying they would do their own independent test. If my child is murdered me and my wife would have no problem taking that test with the authorities. The case was obstructed by the DA. Many of the police departments request were denied and they were not able to investigate properly, including being denied the parents clothes and items that were found on JBR body in various places including the tape and her vagina which the coroner stated was wiped clean prior to him receiving it. Obstruction is stated by essentially all officers involved in the case. If the police had the items around that time they could link the murder since the dna was contaminated.

Gift/curse of wealthy suburban life

Nobody knows what to do when shyt goes left

Just watching SVU, you're saying to yourself why you having a get together in a crime scene

Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
Gift/curse of wealthy suburban life

Nobody knows what to do when shyt goes left

Just watching SVU, you're saying to yourself why you having a get together in a crime scene
For them a complete gift. They were afforded luxuries none of us would receive because of their money. Noncompliance with the law and the world stopping to care about this pretty white girl who was murdered. The public scrutiny was just a result of their actions


Oct 8, 2014
The brother killed his sister and the parents covered it up. They contaminated the DNA, the very next day removed all of the items and materials found on the tape, on her oversized panties and other parts of her body which included beaver hair from their house. (Mother’s sweater, fur boots jacket, other things) Very next day. They do not cooperate with the police or turn in requested items for dna testing. Patsy immediately called her friends and family over to the house after the 911 call and further contaminated the scene.

The coroner himself stated her vagina and other parts of her body were wiped clean before he got to her. The parents refused the police departments request to turn in the items as well as their clothes which contained these fabrics until a year later. The DA allowed this and obstructed the investigation.

The 911 operator sent the call to the fbi because she thought it was suspicious. In the enhanced recording there is an angry exchange with the father telling his son “we are not talking to you”. There were no forced points of entry . In fact cobwebs spiderwebs on the grate and windows in the back yard. Spiders hibernate during the winter and it is impossible for it to be rebuilt the very next morning ( verified by spider expert at the university of Colorado/ pictures taken by the police. and the parents lied to the police frequently. John told police a window was left open around 1pm when he discovered his daughters body, not knowing his friend had already been down there shortly after 6am and told the police the window was locked, as he moved the suitcase by the window to check and make sure. In the doc they act as if they didn’t know why the suitcase was there. John later changes his story to the cops and says he went down there to the basement earlier . Him and this same friend get in a fight after the funeral as the friend feels he is lying and not cooperating with the police, while they are now gone from Colorado and back in Atlanta. It was the friends Christmas party, he had a alibi. His daughter’s body is in Rigamortis yet he picks her up and carries her upstairs . Again putting his dna on her body in front of the police. Further contamination . Blood also contaminated with fabrics and materials.

The children were up in the middle of the night as the maid said they did all the time. They both ate pineapples, and lights were turned on with the boy admitting he was up.
The pineapples are consistent with the autopsy found that she ingested it around midnight. The parents state they did not give her a pineapple, yet the boys fingerprints were found on the bowl and he admitted he was still awake. She went downstairs to meet her brother there, she was not taken.

The authorities found the pineapple bowl and the boys favorite drink milk with a tea bag in it the next day upon entrance as it was still on the table. A motive would be that JBR took a pineapple from her brother making him angry. The maid and previous made rehashed conflicts between them and the brother making comments about how people ooh and ah over just her. The brother hit his sister on the head with the nearby flashlight (wiped clean by the parents) at some point downstairs and her body contained marks of being hit and poked by Burkes train tracks which was found next to her body and had the same diameter to her wounds. The garrote is the unbelievable part to where they say it is too complicated for a boy of his age.. what is not mentioned is he was a Boy Scout. Boy Scouts are taught how to do this. The paint brush is either done by the parents to make it seem as though an intruder came in and sexually assaulted her or he Burke did it himself. Patsy wrote the crazy foreign faction fantasy note the fbi stated was bogus (that closely matched her handwriting and contained the specific number 118k ransom as her husbands bonus) as a desperate mother trying to protect her child. There was no ransom . There was no call the next day prior to the body being found, which the kidnappers said they would call. (The maid while not present that night herself stated someone in that house had to kill her because the layout of the house would make it extremely difficult for this to happen quietly) with her being taken from her room.

Both parents are covering up for their son. Most child murders are commited by the family at a large ratio. What people don’t know is the grand jury indicted them and found them guilty. They are only free because the judge disagreed and ruled they were innocent because he stated it was not the moral thing to do essentially giving them the benefit of a doubt as a family. (I’m aware Patsy is deceased) I believe every single juror or atleast the majority of course ruled guilty. John and his son are psychopaths and he plays along as the caring father looking for justice. He is a millionaire and a professional liar .

It’s the sexual assault that gets me.

Not to say the child isn’t capable but that is not consistent with child killings.

If we ever find out the troop it will be when everyone is dead and no longer culpsble.

Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
It’s the sexual assault that gets me.

Not to say the child isn’t capable but that is not consistent with child killings.

If we ever find out the troop it will be when everyone is dead and no longer culpsble.
I don’t think he sexually assaulted her. I believe the parents thought it would just look like murder, given the profile of intruders who break into homes to take girls rape them or commit sexual assault in some manner. Given there was never a call the next day and such a bogus letter, (the fbi own words) it is clear there never was an intended ransom and the feds aren’t that dumb to believe anything else. If the cops didn’t believe the foreign faction (which they did not) it gave the impression a sick intruder/ pedophile came in and tried to take her or just assault her. I don’t think they inserted it over and over on some sick shyt. Simply inserted it into her dead body to indicate sexual abuse. This removes speculation it was another child. As someone said in the thread 3 women killed their children just this week. It is common place for men to commit sexual assault before murdering a female of any age outside of rage. Without the sexual assault again it makes the family look more guilty because it is unbelievable some grown man would break into a home and just kill a pretty little girl and leave her body with their dna all over it and not sexually assaulted her. This is the profile of a pedophile they want to present. I do not at all believe the parents ever sexually assaulted her prior to covering up for their son. Look at that note man. You know it sounds absolutely ridiculous. Parents cover up for their children all of the time. If you look at the police reports it’s common sense
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Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
Cmon y’all this is bullshyt . Use your brains

Mr. Ramsey,

Listen Carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction. :stopitslime:We

respect your bussines,(disguised writing) but not the country that it serves. At this time, we have your

daughter in our possession. She is safe and unharmed and if you want her to see 1997,

you must follow our instructions to the letter.

You will withdraw $118,000.00 (his Christmas bonus) from your account. $100,000 will be in $100 bills and

the remaining $18,000 in $20 bills. Make sure that you bring an adequate size attaché (this person is not a dumb brute, yet the rest of the letter sounds cheap and ridiculous/ disguised writing ) to

the bank. When you get home you will put the money in a brown paper bag. I will call

you between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery. (Never happened and cops said they did not act as if they were expecting a call)
The delivery will be

exhausting so I advise you to be rested. If we monitor you getting the money early we

might call you early to arrange an earlier delivery of the money and hence a earlier

pickup of your daughter.

Any deviation of my instructions will result in the

immediate execution of your daughter. You will also be

denied her remains for a proper burial. The two gentlemen

watching over your daughter do not particularly like you so

I advise you not to provoke them.

Speaking to anyone about your situation, such as Police,

F.B.I., etc., will result in your daughter being beheaded. If

we catch you talking to a stray dog, (this is like movie lines, it’s dumb) she dies. If you alert

bank authorities, she dies. If the money is in way marked or

tampered with, she dies. You will be scanned for electronic

devices and if any are found, she dies. You can try to

deceive us, but be warned we are familiar with law

enforcement countermeasures and tactics. You stand a 99%

chance of killing your daughter if you try to outsmart us. Follow our instructions and you

stand a 100% chance of getting her back. You and your family are under constant

scrutiny, as well as the authorities. Don't try to grow a brain John. You are not the only

fat cat around (another dumb movie like line)
so don't think that killing will be difficult. Don't underestimate us, John.

Use that good, Southern common sense of yours. :comeon:It's up to you now John!


(Attempt to put police on a goose chase to identify the organization)

The mother is a journalism major and several handwriting expects said it was her handwriting

According to retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent/Profile, Jim Clemente and other experts, the note would have taken the writer 21 and a half minutes to write (CBS Real Crime).

The spelling in the ransom note was also unusual. The words “business” and “possession” were misspelled. According to forensic linguistics expert James Fitzgerald, “misspelling serves as an element for disguise”

expert James Fitzgerald also recognized a similarity between the writing in the note and Patsy Ramsey’s own handwriting. He specifically stated, “the font-style printing is a feminine trait . . . Patsy Ramsey used this letter-form in her handwriting” (CBS Real Crime). It is unusual for both handwriting’s to come from the same household and to be so close.

A little background on me. Marine corps recon / intel and finance auditor . I can spot bullshyt and fraud
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Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
Last post and y’all enjoy the thread have a good night lol

Source: Boulder PD Case File / Internet

It was processed for latent fingerprints, inside and out, but nothing could
be lifted from its surfaces. The Ramseys would later indicate that they may have owned a similar style of flashlight, and stated that it had been kept in a kitchen drawer. It had been given to them by John Andrew, but the fingerprint powder depicted in the photograph of the flashlight altered its appearance in such a way that it
apparently threw off their identification of the gift. John Fernie and housekeeper Linda Hoffmann-Pugh would subsequently identify the flashlight as belonging to the Ramsey family, both having seen it
in the home before the kidnapping. The presence of the flashlight on the kitchen counter was never fully explained, however. It would later be identified as a possible weapon used in
the blow to JonBenét's head.

The maid stated he slept with the flashlight every night and in his dr Phil interview he admits it is his flashlight. Yet no prints are found on the flashlight at all.

He smiles the entire interview. Yes people can smile during stressful events due to severe anxiety in which he does have anxiety, yet his smiles seem a little different when you take into consideration all of the contradictions between either things he has said in the past or statements his parents made to authorities that were outright lies. He is extremely nervous. But even more interesting is he exhibits a lot of these same behaviors as a child in previous interviews even acting out the bashing of his sisters head (he states this is excitedly). He displays since a child, characteristics of a psychopath

(He lies all throughout the video to the investigator and displays NO EMOTION. Just giggling. Yes he is nervous I understand but not consistent with how children act whom lost an immediate member of their family, especially a sister. He is 9 and able to understand she is not coming back. This is right after the murder

According to an old family friend of the Ramsey’s, Burke was easy to anger, and had struck JonBenet with a golf club after getting mad, leaving her with a scar on her face (CBS Real Crime).

According to the Ramsey’s former housekeeper, Linda Hoffman Pugh, Burke was known to leave feces specifically in JonBenet’s bed and to spread it on walls in the home.

Burke told investigators that he felt safe and didn’t worry that an intruder would come back for him. (CBS Real Crime). According to former FBI profiler Jim Clemente, these responses and feelings were, “very unusual for a child” (CBS Real Crime / most children would be extremely frightened

As you can see by his behavior in his interviews as a child AND as an adult, he suffers from some psychological and behavioral problems , but not neurological and has a long history of behavioral problems and violence towards his sister.

He is 9 years old for context. Here he is excitedly describing his sister being bashed in the head with a hammer or something else. Very disturbing and the behavior often seen with children whom commit murder @blackestofpanthers (answering your question)

This is the profile of a child murderer. He killed his sister and dna evidence was contaminated by the parents as even shown in the biased Netflix documentary

Thanks to anyone who read all this, whether you agree or not. Peace

Use your common sense. His father John is a multi-millionaire who owns a billion dollar company. I’m sorry but someone with intentions to collect a ransom is seeing that through. It makes absolutely no difference if she is dead or not. There is no intruder in the home , just the family . Bed wetting is not a good enough motive for the mother towards her pride and joy beauty queen daughter. It would be a little odd for John to go through with killing his daughter and leave her body there on the floor. These fathers usually dispose of the body and it would more than likely be penile penetration instead of part of a paint brush if he was that type. This would apply to a male intruder as well. It is most common to engage in penile penetration , bit using an item like a paint brush. It’s 2 parents covering for their child who has a history of smearing feces on his sisters things including her walls and a candy box she received for christmas, having a history of quick anger, behavioral problems, and physical abuse towards his sister that has even been witnessed by family friends such as hitting his sister IN THE HEAD with a golf club. He admits to being up that night later on and the weapons police suspected include his favorite flashlight he sleeps with nightly (prints wiped clean, and the “garrote” which this one is more so a Boy Scout knot around a stick in which he was a Boy Scout. Again dna contaminated by the parents.. and the mother write that dumb ass foreign faction fantasy note that came from Patsys notepad which also contained a pre-draft which was noted by the fbi. Ransom but no kidnapping? No ransom call? There were no forced points of entry and the grate and windows in the back were locked and covered in cobwebs/spiderwebs..Make your own conclusions tho

911 Call sent to FBI by alarmed suspicious dispatcher (after Ramseys thought the line was disconnected)

Male (angry) - We are not speaking to you!!!
Young male - “what did you find?

Edit : Burke is also responsible for the paint brush being inserted. The parents have nothing to do with that
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