Cinematography was great
Gaga is great in most of this, especially when she sings.
Joaquin is great in this, except when he sings.
I kinda was on some when they went into the
song, but I'll forgive it.
To please the mouth breathers, there was a s cene in the 1st act that could have went a different way, but they decided on a court room drama instead.
If they would have went the other way, the film would look like a typical Harley Quinn and Mr J. type of movie.
The biggest problem in this film........
Todd Phillips/Fleck killed the Joker in the 3rd act.
Who actually killed the talk show host - Murray Franklin? Who was that guy?
That wasn't Fleck at all. (which kinda proves the defense's case, or at least lends creedence to it)
The mentally disabled/troubled soul (Fleck)that "had one bad day" and slipped into madness/that got pushed over the edge? (Joker)
That was the "charm" of the first movie.
That was what the Joker fans in the movie itself liked about him. (and also what we in the real world were afraid of)
If it was just Fleck "acting" like "Joker" the whole time (which I am just not convinced by, despite the text of the film) - then this film basically destroys the first one.
If Joaquin he was just going with this Joker thing, and it had gotten away from him, so he had to become this cartoon of himself - that'd be understandable. The film would then have to give the watcher some clues to that motivation.
"The in over his head, so he has to go with it" trope.
But If he was always Arthur, a man who wouldn't hurt a fly, there's no way to understand the killing of that one dude (while Gary Puddles watched) and the Murray Franklin (talk show host).
Where did that "monster" even come from? Film #1 tells us.
This movie?
It was Arthur all along.
Which, imo, was very unconvincing - the moment he said it, but in contrast to how Joaquin played the character the whole time, and in the last movie.
Typical Coli Breh should stay away from this.
Cinephiles, there really is some gorgeous cinematography, great acting, good singing - but even if you excuse the plot problems - but it's not a good movie. It will be even worse on the small screen imo.
All i hear about this flick is that it tells you you were a bad person for liking the first joker. How fukking LAME.
I aint watching this off the strength of that. Hollywood is fukking weird. Blow millions on vanity. Dont even make sense. Tired of his mass control of thought BS.
I dont need to be told how to think
Dude talking about above
“Cleared up the messaging”
What messaging? Its was a fukking MOVIE. Noone killed randos based on that flick. The dark knight had ONE GUY shooting up movie theathres not THE JOKER so idk what they even talking about. So all that weirdo pandering bs im not with it. You must be a fukkin alien to not watch the joker and not find it relatable seeing someone abused and abused until they break. Noones going on tv killing people so idk what they tryna say that “the message was bad”. Corny hollywood elitism, “the public loved him. How could they?! We have to change how they THINK”. fukk YOU.
Theyll cry about joker and its violence and then show a man being raped to make you not wanna identify with him. Its all elitist bs mind plays to make you feel bad about what you like and think. Im good on that. Thats not why I goto the movies to be preached to. Its all good as long as it fits their little narrative.
yall are weird as fukk falling for that stuff and talking about its a good thing. Stip being a p*ssy
they dont preach they show dude is a just a criminal and not some social justice hero. and they show that its just a fukking movie. people are still going to think whatever they want
Still haven’t seen it. I ended up reading multiple detailed spoilers that described the whole thing. I’m not much of a DCU fan outside of the old stuff, Nolan flicks, and some of the comics.
On paper it works…
I don’t know where people are getting the “it’s telling me how to think” stuff from. I guess I’ll have to watch for myself. It seems like the story is to show Arthur is a murderous fukk up, but not “The Joker” we see in a normal Batman universe. He’s the root and inspiration THE joker, who is likely the dude who stabs him. It seems to help the future DCU in big picture kind of way. It explains why Arthur is so much older than Bruce Wayne and is an otherwise normal dude with serious mental health problem, not the budding Super criminal force that becomes THE Joker.
I don’t mind musicals. I’m mostly curious about how the plot works in motion.
I’m never watching another superhero, capeshyt movie, such a waste of life force. Cinematography was great, but it’s an embarrassment for a movie to not have a semblance of a plot an hour into the movie.
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