the same hawks exist on the Muslim side, who tend to over look the hundreds of years of shared existence with nonsense "the Jews have always been out to get us" notwithstanding the fact that they were always a minority community within our sphere that if anything felt discrimination from us. I dont think pre Israel/Palestine there was actually ever a case of a Jewish act of aggression against Muslims since the Prophets time
I sympathize with the Palestinian hawk over the Israeli hawk as I consider the Palestinian the victim but thats picking at straws and in the grand scheme means nothing and does nothing
I dont understand the Israeli hawks end game tho, I mean, it seems to lead towards one push towards ethnic cleansing or permanent military occupation/discrimination. I mean do they really think they can get away with it? whats their logic? how far does this go? i have absolutely no reason to be optimistic about the future. i mean the arabs to me at least are absolutely begging for some resolution that leaves them with some semblance of dignity, they even resucitated the Arab Peace Plan again, i wonder how long itll sit on the shelf for this time/
ps on the flip side i fukk with my mizrahi peoples heads all the time
mizrahi: ya im jewish from yemen
me: so youre an arab jew
mizrahi: naah we just lived in yemen
youre an arab jew
its sad because from what ive read it seems like the mizrahis/sephardics fall over themselves to distance themselves from their backgrounds to prove they are not the "other", to certify their "jewishness" , mean while every thing from the music to cuisine obviously shows cultural integration