i blame tim burton for some part of this..
While both do have some talent both lack what the other has.
Leo stars in great and good movies however I wouldn't say his acting is anything extraordinary. This isn't to say he's a bad actor because he's not, I just don't think he's as great as he's made out to be. And Depp is a great actor, he's just hasn't had many great roles in the last few years that really showcase his talent as an actor.
But to the answer the question, I think Depp is the better actor.
Not entirely Depp's fault...plus hes best friends with Tim Burton...Tim Burton is the one who fell off...he automatically picks Johnny and kinda typecasts him to be weird...also..when u take into account that he wasnt even an actor before Nightmare on Elm Street...he was in a rock group and he had the best acting in that movie aside from John Saxon...dude has come a long way and doesn't get the credit he deserves...put it like this...I think hes the only other person who coulda pulled off the Joker in The Dark Knight...funny thing about it is people wouldn't have even made as big as a deal about it since he always picks eccentric roles...hes underappreciated imo...Depp fell ALLLL the way off. It's like dude has become a caricature of himself. A living parody. He plays damn near the same role now. Di'caprio as an actor has NEVER done the same role twice.. I respect both but ima say that based off the last decade Leo got this
How can you blame Tim Burton? Depp CHOOSES those roles, just like when Lei works with Scorsese Leo is the one CHOOSING the roles. Depp's roles for the last ten years have all been various incarnations of Jack Sparrow. Mischievous, socially awkward, misleadingly charming vagabonds, and the shtick has gotten tired. Di'caprio continues to push himself and show growth as an actor, he never relied on his CAC good looks or a particular character trait to be successful. Depp, sadly, is pretty much all about the money at this point...
I think saying Depp is all about the money is completely false...he does those movies cause he's best friends with the director...most of his roles arent even hollywood roles...
Reread my other post...u cant even count the Pirates series cause its a damn SERIES my nikka..he's playing the same character cause he has to...they are damn sequels...the ONLY other movies where he plays those kinda characters have been Tim Burton movies...it does give him an excuse cause thats his friend...if u look at his catalog in the last 10 years u would see he hasnt even made much outside of his Pirates Movies and him doin Tim Burton movies in which he gets typecasted...reread my last post cause I edited it for u...that doesn't negate him as an actor...look at fukkin Denzel...hes a great actor yet he literally has been playing the same roles regardless of the director...does that mean hes not great?..no...all those different roles hes done thruout his career proves Johnny is a great actor with lots of versitility...he becomes his roles...and thats not something u can say for many actors...he just hasnt been doing much to showcase his talent...lately...Public Enemies shows he's still got it tho...put him in a good movie with good writing and Johnny will act the fukk out of the role...this is a thread about abilities...not movie roles..and Johnny has a lot of ability...Alice In Wonderland
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
All 4 Pirates Flicks
Public Enemies
That God Awful trash with Angelina Jolie
Dark Shadows
Upcoming Lone Ranger
^^^^ All of the above are considered big tent pole Hollywood flicks bruh, and in every one of those films (save for Public Enemies) he was playing pretty much a version of the same quirky character. Just because your friends with the director doesn't give you a pass to pretty much do the same thing over and over with increasingly mundane and repetitions results...
those weird choices take a lot of talent to pull off and make people notice....
For example, Captain Jack, Ed Hand, Willy Wonka, Ichabod Crane, George Jung,....
He nailed all of those characters and it takes innovation to pull those off....
Jack Sparrow.. good work that disney are running into the ground with theirshyt
Willy Wonka?Shoulda put more work in on that one considering Gene Wilder is that role.
Alice in wonderland?
C'mon let's not act like Depp isn't prone to telephoning his performances in, especially these past 10 years. Doing some stiff acting, raising your eyebrows, acting like you're flaming and dressing like a twat doesn't take talent to pull off.
Can't hate though, he's getting that Disney money.
But you're acting like he isn't completely different between Gilbert Grape, Blood Diamond, and something like Catch Me If You Can. Just his accent in Blood Diamond was amazing, even better than Depp's scottish in Finding Neverland.
Depp always seems like he's on ambien, speaking in that measured, exaggeratedly calm and unconcerned way. I've never even seen Depp play someone convincingly angry, distraught, ecstatic, etc.