So your point is the racism that benefited whites by making them a middle class from GRANTS to buy homes and establish a foundation of wealth after WWII that my dark as night grandfather fought in but wasn’t given the same grant or GI Bill or business loans, that had a head start on black people and established a judicial system that benefits that same MIDDLE CLASS, not the wealthy 1%, is experiencing racism at the same level when they get called a name?
Don’t start the “classism is the real problem, not racism” song and dance with me. Whites got ahead due to racism. Nothing else. Not by hard work, but by exclusion and underhanded tactics. Jimbob down the street, you and others do have power, but rather than use it to say, we got an unfair head start, you, Joe and Jombob now look down on the people that are behind due to the very racism you wanna compare name calling to.
I’m not trying to convince you btw, I wouldn’t waste my time. This is an exercise in exposing how you and your fellow whites try to be deceptive and play with the facts.