There are 4 types of Trump supporters:
The 1%ers - they know he's an idiot but he's a USEFUL idiot. Xi, Putin, Thiel, Musk etc., all know he is easily to manipulate and use for their own ends.
Cultists - they believe everything this man says and would sacrifice their first born if he told them to do it. They don't benefit at all from him being President and would be better off with Kamala...but good luck telling them that.
Joey Walnuts in Long Island - this is the fat fingered "blue collar" union white guy that makes $$$. He knows Trump is a blow hard but loves him anyway because he's a loud, dumb, white man with power. They want to be like him. These are the white guys that talk shyt while living comfortably in a Blue state. They'd never move to a state run by the GOP yet somehow vote Republican for president.
Dealmaker - your typical single issue voter....abortion, 2A etc. They vote straight ticket GOP for a couple of issues but couldn't tell you shyt otherwise.