But the only problem is, cacs and a lot of these fighters, talk like their stars of an 80s'
Karate movie.
Reality isn't an action flick. Nowhere, where I'm at...are nggas lettin some cac, like
Joe Rogan, choke em out, or throw em in a Kimura, for the crowds amusement.
He would be shot and left for dead in these streets.
Maybe he imagines gettin that shyt off in those white-boy bars, or cac locales he hangs in. Dudes signing up, to be punching bags, or crash-test dummies for others joy and amusement, from professional fighters.
I'd just clap him, and wouldn't bat an eye. IRL, dudes like Rogan get jumped, stabbed, or gunned up. Worst case scenario, he does lay me out, one of my homies,
STILL gets him. As much as they say, your helpless against the lethality of their blows,
or training, I'm sure that works in
your favor as well. I could always say, I was in fear for my life, from his martial arts, expertise too.
These dudes still think their livin in the 80s' thru the early 90s'...when a lot of this shyt was more secret, or unknown to ppl. They could beat and maim ppl, in different bars/clubs, across the globe. That shyt is fantasy land today.