Don't forget Joe Paterno's annoying ass son
I wouldn't be surprised if Sandusky ran up in him while he was growing up around the program.

Don't forget Joe Paterno's annoying ass son
IDK what it is about Penn St...but that's the most delusional/cultish fan base I've ever encountered.
Remember when white people rioted because he got fired
Not that it makes him any less of a piece of shyt, but outing Sandusky would have brought a lot of negative attention to the program and he'd have to deal with cops etc. At the very least he should have dealt with it internally and washed his hands of him completely at that point.
isnt it the definition of lack of institutional control? everything was done in the name of the football programWhat NCAA bylaws were broken? This was strictly a legal issue. You want to be angry at someone/something be mad at the state of Pennsylvania for allowing that madness to go on. This whole thing is way bigger than just Penn State.
isnt it the definition of lack of institutional control? everything was done in the name of the football program
the nature of what they were lacking control of should have some bearing. allowing and enabling a guy to run around campus and the community raping kids is a lil different than looking the other way when a booster pays a kids rent or gear is exchanged for tattoos. they absolutely should have lost the program entirely for at least a yearThat was the point of contention back when the NCAA dropped the hammer on Penn State. They hit them with lack of institutional control, but that by itself doesn't constitute the death penalty.