Dan Marino is considered by many football historians and coaches and one of the best QBs to ever play, and funny enough I do remember the consensus that it was him and Joe Montana as likely the greatest to ever play, which is amazing given the fact that he only played in one SB, which was before my time.
Again, I believe if anyone uses stats as a sole measurement in American football and disregards players, coaching staffs, media during that players career and after; they are just playing Madden.
I’ll say what I said a few posts again regarding Moss - it’s all subjective, no one’s word is God, and certainly I’m a “nobody” on a message board, but I can call Hall of Famers and Top 100 All Time NFL players and coaches RIGHT now and talk to them (just due to my former job, I’m nobody special) - so I’ve already heard there discussions on this stuff since I was a teenager, and it was more listening and watching then watching him in his prime because I’m old, but not really as self aware of the intricacies of football in 80s/90s.