Joe Biden to Select Black Man As Head of the CIA


Jun 23, 2012
It doesn’t mean that he shouldn’t be hired, but it also means that we shouldn’t expect things to be different just because people like us are hired. They still have to answer to the white power players and do as they say. It would be different if they didn’t and could make moves on their own.
I personally don’t expect things to be different and no one should. Doesn’t mean I can’t/won’t applaud a black man who got a helluva promotion.

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
It’s more to the system than just politics. If you weren’t so fixated on one talking point, then you would know that.

I could totally care less of whether you are Asian or not. Just as I could care less that you think I’m a “agent”.

I emailed and tried to become a member for years until I finally got a response from a mod to register. There’s nothing agent about me. I could care less about the current system and how it operates. That’s not being an agent.


Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm

Dude :comeon:

I don’t even know why I’m still entertaining your points as you cannot be that stupid.

Current system is more than than just politics. I don’t see why you can’t comprehend what I just said. Anyways I’m done entertaining your simple minded points. Have a good day.


All Star
May 5, 2012
If he aint on no spook that sat by the door shyt fuk em real ones aint supporting nor cosigning dis c00n ass play by the warden administration:stopitslime: c00ns n smart dumb nikkas played their hand this yr now ik who to stay away from in this new decade:yeshrug:


All Star
May 5, 2012
How is that dope? :dahell:
All you dudes have to see is black and it's ok? He works for the fukking CIA :mindblown:
c00ns breh im not entertaining this fuk shyt online nor reality shyt bout to get ugly in the real streets. These white left n right domestic terrorists about to go to war n black ppl will be casualties of war as always because of biden gets inaugurated these maga mfs gonna single out their hurt feelings on innocent harmless vulnerable black ppl because of their support for biden m harris its mfs who didn't vote gonna be catchin da bs first n most just for being black by association.

Breh just think about all the bs we as blacks being the face of(covid,covid relief fraud,being a black rapper,the reason for helping get biden n harris in,the first ones to get vaccinated by a so called virus that has a 98.9% recovery rate,also the face of being anti vaxxers n wearin mask) ppl dont understand were in a war on all fronts by police,govt,medical,education & economically:francis::gucci: also the face of the LGBTQ movement blm :scust::dame::unimpressed::mjtf::patrice::jbhmm::what:
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Nov 20, 2014
I'd rather no African-American participates in the destruction of Black freedom movements.
So yes, I would rather the blood be on a cac's hands than on any Black man's.
Why do you so desperately want representation at the cost of your own soul?

No Black person should lead the US in destroying Black nations worldwide - or for that matter Latin and Asian nations.

We'll know a few decades later when they release the documents - the guy in my avi? Killed by the CIA as he rose up to lead the people of the Congo against Western powers.
Of course, the CIA has killed plenty of people who fought for their own country. Just look at the countries they overthrew because they elected Democratic socialist during the cold war. Unfortunately the CIA will always exist and I doubt putting anyone regardless of gender or race changes their MO.


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
fukk the CIA,

but do some of you really think black people advance in this country if we don’t fill governmental positions of power? Even the ones you don’t

I was in the Marine Corps and been all over the world (including Africa) and I completely say fukk the military and the CIA and FBI, but I would rather have a black CIA operative dealing with African relations rather than a white man. I have dealt with some of these people and there is a clear difference in how the black officials go about their business than they white counterparts in many instances. I hated being in the military and saw a lot of c00ns doing anything simply to move up. A lot of black people who actually believed in the propaganda we were told. But I know for a fact that under black leadership black Marines were promoted faster and not disciplined with the same harshness as white personnel who always look to give black Marines a dishonorable discharge which essentially destroys the lives of young black men amd women upon leaving service, which just like prison gives you a history that lends to unemployability and poverty. White people want you to do your time and make sure you get absolutely no benefits when you get out. Destroying black families before they are created.

You can’t get anywhere without political power. Never been a revolution won without political infiltration or without violent conflict if not that. The only way to gain it any other way is by physical revolt. I don’t think we are doing that. Y’all need to be realistic. It’s not about what you feel. It’s about what is actually going to get us footing in this country. It don’t have to be a hooray moment. It’s not at all. I in no way support many of the international relations and activities the US has engaged in. But the CIA has many other roles as well. I would rather a black man being in that position to atleast possibly strengthen relationships between the US and black countries rather than exploit them. But to say this shouldn’t be happening is some white supremacist shyt. I rather a black man be in this position, than a white man whom I know for a fact is serving upon the best interest of his people.
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Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm
fukk the CIA,

but do some of you really think black people advance in this country if we don’t fill governmental positions of power? Even the ones you don’t like?

Easy to tell who has a college education and who doesn’t. I don’t like police and neither do you, but you should want a black commissioner for your community. Why? Because they atleast have a better understanding of the community and would be better serving at it. It doesn’t hurt me to take that chance over voting for a white candidate or not voting at all. If they are horrible police ..fukk them. But is my ego so fukking big that I won’t bother to take a chance on my own people over them smh. That would be childish to just not do nothing out of frustration . I hate the Atlanta Police Department, and they just as fukked up as the rest of them, but it’s a fact that certain shyt is not gonna fly here the same way it does it other cities and states, because we have a Black Mayor who immediately got those officers arrested at the shooting at Wendy’s. I don’t like the criminal justice system, but I would much rather be standing in front of a black judge with my fate in question. The public school system in the US is trash, but don’t you think someone who is a minority would know how best to serve the diverse needs of children across the country from various backrounds than some white man or woman who grew up in a private school in the suburbs.

The US government is bullshyt, but is Obama a c00n for being president? Did it worsen life for black people? Did you not vote for him, because all the presidents were white supremacist or evil? I’m sure many of you did not vote for him. Side note the US has been in Africa for a very long time. I was in the Marine Corps and been all over the world (including Africa) and I completely say fukk the military and the CIA and FBI, but I would rather have a black CIA operative dealing with African relations rather than a white man. I hated being in the military and saw a lot of c00ns doing anything simply to move up. A lot of black people who actually believed in the propaganda we were told. But I know for a fact that under black leadership black Marines were promoted faster and not disciplined with the same harshness as white personnel who always look to give black Marines a dishonorable discharge which essentially destroys the lives of young black men amd women upon leaving service, which just like prison gives you a history that lends to unemployability and poverty. White people want you to do your time and make sure you get absolutely no benefits when you get out. Destroying black families before they are created.

You can’t get anywhere without political power. Never been a revolution won without political infiltration or without violent conflict if not that. The only way to gain it any other way is by physical revolt. I don’t think we are doing that. Y’all need to be realistic. It’s not about what you feel. It’s about what is actually going to get us footing in this country. It don’t have to be a hooray moment. It’s not at all. I in no way support many of the international relations and activities the US has engaged in. But the CIA has many other roles as well. I would rather a black man being in that position to atleast possibly strengthen relationships between the US and black countries rather than exploit them. But to say this shouldn’t be happening is some white supremacist shyt. I rather a black man be in this position, than a white man whom I know for a fact is serving upon the best interest of his people.

I get what you’re saying, but at end of the day they still have people that they have to answer to. It’s not like they can make moves on their own or do as they please. If they don’t play the game or get their hands dirty, then someone else will. That’s just how it is and operates. You don’t move up in that type of world and environment playing nice and clean.

It’s the same system and head people in charge regardless of who they choose certain roles.


Oct 3, 2014
Its gained through systemic mechanisms that reproduce economic power.

Real crafty answer to dodge my point.

"Systemic mechanisms" can't be implemented without first having the understanding of putting your own kind first.

All successful nations of people (superpowers) have a strong culture lead by men.

Culture is nthe first step to thriving as a race. It's also part and parcel with having a ruling class mentality (a kings mentality) to elevate your own kind, economically, socially, etc.


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
I get what you’re saying, but at end of the day they still have people that they have to answer to. It’s not like they can make moves on their own or do as they please. If they don’t play the game or get their hands dirty, then someone else will. That’s just how it is and operates. You don’t move up in that type of world and environment playing nice and clean.

It’s the same system and head people in charge regardless of who they choose certain roles.
Look it’s simple as this. If you want black advancement you need black people in positions of political power whether you like them or not. Police are horrible, but do you feel more comfortable with nothing but white men policing a community with your little black children because it’s a corrupt system anyway???.The CIA and the FBI are the two most powerful US intelligence branches. Do you want it to be full of white people because they have to answer to the president at the end of the day? The same way the president can’t just do as they plz and need backing by house and senate (hence why trump did whatever he wanted (senate control) . I would hope you don’t. The FBI and CIA run their own clandestine operations as well separate from direct orders.

So again it’s not a hooray moment. But you can’t be serious about black empowerment and not understand we need black people in these positions. Otherwise you are stating you give up and would rather all white people govern you because they all have to answer to someone at the end of the day and it’s already corrupt. Everything in the US is corrupt. Everyone has someone to answer to. You me amd even the president. I beleive in black empowerment and nothing happens by standing on the sidelines commentating. This is the history of global revolutions . It’s the only way to grasp power period.
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