People scour each other in primary debates all the time. Wait until you hear what Hillary said about Obama back in '08.
You always come in here and post some stupid irrelevant nonsense.
Ah so more conjecture. No data or anything else worth considering. Just conjecture.I know she would lose. It's common sense. I was just trying to be nice by saying a "case to be made". Kamala Harris and Warren the only two that stands a chance in 2024 and even then it's questionable for them.
It's just my opinion. No need to be so hostile.Ah so more conjecture. No data or anything else worth considering. Just conjecture.
Good talk.
People don't run against sittings VPs all the time. Also, you don't know if she will be a strong VP or not.
If Kamala is VP in 2024, there's no way that Newsom runs against her. Just stop it.
It's extremely unlikely that the Democratic Party electorate will not easily nominate the Democratic VP especially if Biden is a decent president. Only if President Biden is deeply unpopular in 2024 will a VP Harris be in trouble of losing the nomination. Also, like I said earlier, Kamala is actually a progressive (contrary to what many Bernie supporters think).Is Kamala Gavin's mom?
Kamala is fine as a VP candidate but she's lacking as a top of the ticket.
People will run against her. Especially someone on the left of her.
You're wrong if you think there would be some coronation for her just because she is the VP.
I agree that Demings record will also be an issue, but I highly disagree with you stating that people who point out their records are not reasonable. It is completely reasonable to point out Kamala’s horrible DA/AG record (I have given specifics several times) and Demings half hearted responses to police misconduct while she was the chief. What is unreasonable is to ignore any politician record just because you like them. I’m More than likely going to hold my nose and vote for Biden no matter who is on ticket, (there are a few exceptions) just because Trump is that bad. But, people need to stop trying act like the criticisms toward Kamala are not legitimate. A better defense of Kamala is to point to her Senate record.If her record as a prosecutor would harm her, why wouldn't Demmings as a police chief? People that would complain about either of those choices, for those reasons, aren't reachable/reasonable voters. You won't win with them.
She either did that or she didn't. The CNN articles say the same thing.Posting videos from the Daily Caller and Tulsi Gabbard?
Kamala is the easy choice, and the right one.
First,i can already tell that these retard progressives arent gonna be satisfied
enjoy 4 more years of donald trump, bill barr, and another awful supreme court justice who will shoot down every progressive idea you send his way. you morons have zero sense of strategy and an unbelievable sense of entitlement
imagine assessing the situation and still having a hard time deciding between voting for biden/harris or trump/pence![]()
i'll stop blaming them when those voters can explain to me how trump's 4 years, and giving him another 4 years, have/will advance the progressive causes they pretend to care aboutFirst all,
The majority of progressives will hold their nose and vote for Biden.
Second, if enough progressives or Black voters don’t show up that will be on Biden and his team. He should of learned from Hillary picking Tim Kane. Kane was one of the worse picks imaginable and brought nothing to the ticket.
Third, you act like voters should accept anything a politician you like offer. That is not how movements are built, or how major policy get crafted. It took these protests to get politicians to even talk about police reform. Police Reform should of been a top priority for Dems. Neither Harris, or Demings have good records on this issue. It just so happens that this have turned into one of the top issues this year, and the reason Amy Klobuchar is no longer being considered. On top of that Biden himself have a terrible record on these issues as well. You mean to tell me they couldn’t find anyone else? There are red flags about both picks, and if they ignore it don’t blame progressive voters.
Yes Biden Harris or Biden Demings is better than Trump Pence. However, if you didn’t notice people are sick of the status quo and don’t trust the system. And why should they? The system have failed them. Picking a VP that been apart of the system that have lead to this unrest isn’t wise. Again Biden might still win just because Trump is such a disaster, but please stop blaming voters who don’t trust a corrupt system.
You act like just progressive voters do this. There are a lot of Black voters that are not voting for similar reasons. Hell, even a decent amount of conservative voters didn’t come out to vote because they didn’t think McCain, or Romney was conservative enough. You remember PUMAs who refused to vote for Obama. Some moderate/establishment democrats openly stated they wouldn’t vote for Bernie Sanders when it looked like he was going to win the nomination. Stop making it seem like only progressives do this. It is disingenuous.i'll stop blaming them when those voters can explain to me how trump's 4 years, and giving him another 4 years, have/will advance the progressive causes they pretend to care about
otherwise that voter is a fukking child with zero sense of strategy
and i couldnt care less if people vote or not. but dont tell us you actually care about passing progressive laws, if youre willing to give the orange fakkit another 4 years because a biden/harris ticket "isnt progressive enough for you"