Joe Biden says get off his nuts and explains once and for all why the gas is so high


Sep 2, 2014
So he can't even try? At least to say he did? Whats the point of a president then?
Control the armed forces, deal with diplomacy, sign bills that come from Congress, put judges in various courts, etc. He can try to do whatever but if Congress says no, he gets egg on his face and instead of the voting populace taking names and primarying shytstains in Congress, they blame the President and ignore the other 66.66% of what makes up our government.


Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm
Control the armed forces, deal with diplomacy, sign bills that come from Congress, put judges in various courts, etc. He can try to do whatever but if Congress says no, he gets egg on his face and instead of the voting populace taking names and primarying shytstains in Congress, they blame the President and ignore the other 66.66% of what makes up our government.

Again did he not run on the premise that his history in Congress could help get shyt done? I specifically remember him saying that and even people on this site using it as well. Hell, one poster on here legit posted a tweet once about Mitch being nice to Biden about his son like that would change things :mjlol:


Sep 2, 2014
Again did he not run on the premise that his history in Congress could help get shyt done? I specifically remember him saying that and even people on this site using it as well. Hell, one poster on here legit posted a tweet once about Mitch being nice to Biden about his son like that would change things :mjlol:
Google the most powerful man in the Senate :francis: Obama ran on hope and change (how much of that did we get?). Trump ran on a buncha bullshyt that folks think he actually did:mjlol: Presidents run on things all the time but he is only 33.33% of government. If Congress don't fukk with you, nothing happens. Never take campaign slogans serious because they are just that: slogans. With all the Q-Anon opposition, folks rejoiced at him having the senate 50+1 to 50 because in theory it meant some things happening that could not be filibustered. The Right are just saying no to everything and taking no flack and Manchin and Sinema turned and fukked up everything else.

TLDR: The President is a goof but a great deal of his failure for things he can't directly control (Student Loans and pulling out of Afghanistan was well within his power) are basically due to the Senate. If a President says "I can't do this alone, you have to VOTE" he will be called weak and all kinds of other shyt...see Obama who had a majority for a short period of time, got in his own words "shellacked", and then had a congress who wasn't fukking with him and tied his hands on a bunch of shyt.


Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm
Google the most powerful man in the Senate :francis: Obama ran on hope and change (how much of that did we get?). Trump ran on a buncha bullshyt that folks think he actually did:mjlol: Presidents run on things all the time but he is only 33.33% of government. If Congress don't fukk with you, nothing happens. Never take campaign slogans serious because they are just that: slogans. With all the Q-Anon opposition, folks rejoiced at him having the senate 50+1 to 50 because in theory it meant some things happening that could not be filibustered. The Right are just saying no to everything and taking no flack and Manchin and Sinema turned and fukked up everything else.

TLDR: The President is a goof but a great deal of his failure for things he can't directly control (Student Loans and pulling out of Afghanistan was well within his power) are basically due to the Senate. If a President says "I can't do this alone, you have to VOTE" he will be called weak and all kinds of other shyt...see Obama who had a majority for a short period of time, got in his words shellacked, and then had a congress who wasn't fukking with him and tied his hands on a bunch of shyt.

I know the answer to this questions, but it still doesn’t change the premise that people are trying to change the narrative and blame Congress even when they initially said it wouldn’t be a problem. Once I specifically remember people on here and in general saying that Manchin wouldn’t be a problem and look what happened.

You cannot use it as a defense when you initially used it as a campaign slogan. It don’t work like that.


Sep 2, 2014
I know the answer to this questions, but it still doesn’t change the premise that people are trying to change the narrative and blame Congress even when they initially said it wouldn’t be a problem. Once I specifically remember people on here and in general saying that Manchin wouldn’t be a problem and look what happened.

You cannot use it as a defense when you initially used it as a campaign slogan. It don’t work like that.
It's not a defense, it is a reason. He could just apply mad pressure on Machin and Sinema but that would assume they give a fukk. I think the fear is that they could potentially party flip altogether and further weaken Democrats. The truth that most people don't realize is Manchin and Sinema do vote with Dems quite a bit but anything tied to particular interests that pay them (public knowledge) they are resistant to in Biden's agenda. Everyone can make predications but shyt don't work out that way.

Obama - "Change you can believe in." What changed?

Trump - "America has been fleeced and I alone can fix it." Did he?

Biden - *Says a buncha typical Presidential shyt that people eat up because he delivers it better than Trump*

Congress was able to get some popular provisions out through reconciliation but that can only be used once a year. Its been gridlock ever since in the Senate.
As someone who preferred Bernie knowing full well Congress would have fukked him, I expected nothing of Biden and not for lack of trying. If anything good comes out of his mouth, an entire side is unwilling to even help put to vote something that might be popular with Americans and he can not trust that the narrowest majority possible in the Senate will go his way, much less avoid filibusters.

You can see everything that's been successfully called to a vote, been dumped, or stalled since this Congress began last year.

Without getting into a boring convo about filibusters and cloture, things go bust for a bunch of reasons. Sure you can hold him to his word, but thats some Santa Claus shyt. Biden would have to spend more of his time beating up on his party and trying to back primary opponents but how would that look to voters? Most folks don't have an inkling of the process in the first place so if he spends all his time talking shyt about his own party, that could easily last long enough for everyone to lose favor and that shyt gets given to even bigger do-nothings whose only job is to say 'no' to opposition.


Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm
It's not a defense, it is a reason. He could just apply mad pressure on Machin and Sinema but that would assume they give a fukk. I think the fear is that they could potentially party flip altogether and further weaken Democrats. The truth that most people don't realize is Manchin and Sinema do vote with Dems quite a bit but anything tied to particular interests that pay them (public knowledge) they are resistant to in Biden's agenda. Everyone can make predications but shyt don't work out that way.

Obama - "Change you can believe in." What changed?

Trump - "America has been fleeced and I alone can fix it." Did he?

Biden - *Says a buncha typical Presidential shyt that people eat up because he delivers it better than Trump*

Congress was able to get some popular provisions out through reconciliation but that can only be used once a year. Its been gridlock ever since in the Senate.
As someone who preferred Bernie knowing full well Congress would have fukked him, I expected nothing of Biden and not for lack of trying. If anything good comes out of his mouth, an entire side is unwilling to even help put to vote something that might be popular with Americans and he can not trust that the narrowest majority possible in the Senate will go his way, much less avoid filibusters.

You can see everything that's been successfully called to a vote, been dumped, or stalled since this Congress began last year.

Without getting into a boring convo about filibusters and cloture, things go bust for a bunch of reasons. Sure you can hold him to his word, but thats some Santa Claus shyt. Biden would have to spend more of his time beating up on his party and trying to back primary opponents but how would that look to voters? Most folks don't have an inkling of the process in the first place so if he spends all his time talking shyt about his own party, that could easily last long enough for everyone to lose favor and that shyt gets given to even bigger do-nothings whose only job is to say 'no' to opposition.

You dont have to explain to me things I already know. It doesn’t change the fact that he ran on that exact thing for his campaign and you had people on social media and this exact site going along with it.

Hold your politician accountable for their words and actions. That’s how it should be. Before shills come bytching, you can hold Democrats accountable while also not obviously wanting Republicans in office. One doesn’t equate to the other.