The Xbox 360 owner has systematically worked to hold its content to ransom in an increasingly futile bid to make Xbox Live Gold look worth its fee. The biggest feature is, of course, online play -- something available for free on PS3, Wii U, and PC. The company took something that was already a given, and held it back.
but but but, online play is so much better on XBL
because you pay for it unlike the others

In all seriousness, when people pay for something they instinctive feel like its better because of that. Even if it's not, its just the way our brains are wired. I'm sure there are some retarded Xbots who think their experience is better than PC gamers also because online is free for them too.
I have both PS3/360 and can't tell the difference at all, I guess folks are pretending like NBA 2K13 on 360 isn't a complete lagfest that is totally played differently online than it is offline.
You basically got to learn your shot timings all over again if you choose to play online but its still worth paying for because its XBL and therefore better because we pay