blathering blatherskite!
The point is to show how silly it is to bring up how much money a company is making when the company you are up against laps you in money.
Stick to games argument, when yall start talking money it's a auto L.
The xbox fans on the forum and have been telling yall sony stans for years that Sony is going to follow suit because that's where the future is headed and yalland
keekee'd about how games there 1st party games wouldn't be coming to PC and how cloud gaming and other things wouldn't be a focal point for sony.
While Xbox, has been doubling down on cloud gaming, processing and a robust subscription service, and building partners and growing there 1st party.
Becoming a major player in the gaming industry isn't something any company can just do, you have to be established and already have bank to roll any kind of long term success. But I guess yall forgot that sony took the industry by storm because they A) had money and B) had new tech and was the leader and creator of that tech back when jump shipped from partnering with nintendo.
all yall talk is
never anything factual just conjecture based on what you think is gonna happen in 10 years. Just like yall were saying 10 years ago