This is false, Napoleon. Ingenuity leads to small business ownership. The skills don't have to be STEM related.
What "ingenuity" is going to come without a formal education in a hard skill or science?
I'll wait.
Mind you, this isn't 50 years ago. You can't just start up a major corporation in your garage anymore off of a simple idea.
The complex shyt is mostly figured out.
The barriers to entry get higher and higher.
Solid skills are needed.
Teaching vapid shyt to amateurs about "business ownership" doesn't mean anything when they have nothing to make a business out of!!!
It pisses me off to see kids get education in business and entrepenuership only to fukking build "entertainment" companies.
But other than get jobs, they can't do shyt else because they don't have the skills to even meet the barriers that more niche businesses would allow them to prosper in.
I have a Black friend who directs ad campaigns for companies like Nike, Coke, etc in NYC and he went to school for Philosophy. Of course, he put in tons of man hours to learn film editing and all that but his savvy got him in the door.
I have a friend similar to that as well, he did international politics/economics...but he went back to school and GOT A TANGIBLE SKILL and now does the same thing at a major marketing firm.
1. your friend wasted his time in philosophy
2. your friend should have focused on that SKILL of film editing and gotten an education in something that allowed him to parlay his skills earlier.
3. this doesn't challenge what I said. Your friend studied a skill and while its an esoteric one, its an employable one. Critical race theory ain't gonna cut it.
And I'm not disagreeing with liberal arts degrees, my point is that stuff needs more emphasis at the grade school level or made cheaper at the college level so that people can major in a skill ALONG with a humanity.
I COMPLETELY disagree.
The humanities should be "respected" but I would never encourage a humanity to any child unless they had the drive towards becoming a lawyer or working in government.
And all this other stuff you're talking about is nonsense.
Price? Oh wow...big new thought there, fella. I guess they're just gonna DROP the prices for you huh?
Tell kids to major in STEM and they'll make that money back, usually regardless.
End of story.
I also think trade schools should be promoted during grade school. A person who is a STEM major but lean on education in the humanities is a fragmented one.
Sure. STEM majors need to know how to write and think critically, but pretending that being versed in kant or stopping with your undergrad in psychology is going to put you over the edge is a complete lie.