Semi-random question here...
How do you NOT succeed if you're Jewish?!?!?!?
try!n to p!cture th!s dude bald makes me th!nk of remy from h!gher learn!ng......yall have short memories. nobody wanted the gay cowboy either. and for the most part, whatever complaints you have about MoS, the casting was on point
lets see how he looks bald first![]()
i don't know even know who lex luthor is. I only watched the batman adventures show when i was a kid but judging by y'alls reactions, this sounds like how they had topher grace playing venom in that shyttyman part 3 movie
edit: O? He's from superman series. I def don't know about superman like that...
how many of you thought that Bryan Cranston could pull of the breaking bad character when his best project was the goofy dad on "Malcom in the middle" ?
Between this and someone confusing Mathew Mcconsughey and Bradley Cooper
In have no faith in the Arcadium anymore
Sorry. I grew up on power rangers and other cartoons bruh. We had a lady that would give us all the comics we wanted but we only collected them for their shiny covers lol....never read them foreal.Between this and someone confusing Mathew Mcconsughey and Bradley Cooper
In have no faith in the Arcadium anymore
Fam...what does this even mean?
nobody knew who walter white was as a character and there weren't 50+ years of comics about him. what are you really trying to say here?
anyway...if Eisenberg hits the gym for a little bit, i can see it. no homo but dude actually has pretty masculine facial features. it's the frame that's the issue. if he hits the gym and gets rid of the pencil neck, i think he can pull it off. only question would be the voice, and the studio can help w/ that. i think he has good enough acting chops to do something interesting with this if he can be have the physical screen presence.