Jeremy Soule, music composer (Elder Scrolls, Guild Wars, KoToR) up next on that Summer Jam screen


May 18, 2012
If a female student goes to her college professor and says I'll sleep with you if you give me good grades that's willful consent.
If a college professor goes to his female student and says if you don't sleep with me I'm going to fail you that's not willful consent.

Rape is non-consensual sex. There's more than one path to get to that destination.

Your argument that consent is going along with someone in a situation where there is a power imbalance under threat of being crushed by that power imbalance is laughable. Consent means you wanted it of your own free will and of your own accord. Consent doesn't mean you acquiesced to a threat because the alternative was a very bad situation for you.

Sexual assault can include physical touching rape is non-consensual penetration.

She could go to HR is comical. It's her word against his and he's more powerful and important than her. There's a reason many women who get raped or sexually assaulted don't say anything. That reason is retaliation. Go to HR and the person that did it will be tipped off and if you can't get them fired they're gonna retaliate. Depending on the state you work in and at-will employment you can be fired for anything but they'll probably invent a BS reason to do it.



52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Man fukk all that, take your chances with HR if you really wasn’t trying fukk


Worse case scenario, shyt don’t get don’t get done and you may end up having to leave and work somewhere else.It sucks, but That shyt ain’t the the end of the world. If you as skilled as you’re supposed to be at your job you should already be making those moves to peace out on their asses as soon as buddy tries you.

The way you're fired from a job can have drastic consequences. If you go to HR you better have evidence that can get the person fired. If you don't you're fukked.

In most cases HR is a puppet controlled by those with real power at the company and if you go to HR against somebody with power you would have been better off just quitting that job.

5:40 into this video dude breaks down how a district manager at Gamestop got somebody fired over their skin color and basically fabricated evidence that got held up in court and landed that person a felony. How you leave a job ain't all cut and dry like that. People with power can fukk you for life in some cases.