Love benefits us brother.
Love isn't some fantasy novel where you fall in lust and live happily ever after.
Love is loving someone when they are right. Wrong. Awful and working on themselves and come back.
No one can dictate your love and how it "should" be. If Gump was real, and today he said he loved her, and Jenny said she loved him, thats all that matters. Not an outsiders attempt at justifying why that shouldn't be.
Yea, hurt people hurt people. In a made up fantasy story we saw it play out, but in real life a lot of us, including me, hurt people. Some in big ways, some in small ways, some in big ways that no one would ever know.
We all die, and we dont know when. Someone is going to have that anguish.
I feel that Gump was happier, knowing he had a son, and that the only person that actually saw him for who he was when no one else did, died happy.
We could all be so lucky my man.