This is not even an argument. Time will tell what the difference is and when the numbers balloon from where we are now, NO ONE IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO DO shyt.
The numbers wont balloon bruh. you know why? because this administration wont even keep count.That's the huge difference.
obama AG = Let me fly down their and take a look at whats going on and see if we have a case even though i wont put anyone in jail. I will pull the stats and find out yet another city/town is about that racist white supremacy life but not a single officer or lawmaker is going to be in federal prison for it. but at least the word got out that what black folks have cried about for decades is still happening. so no more doubting it by newblacks or old blacks on that c00n train, and no more doubting it from other minority groups, and no more lying about it from whites. but still. no one went to jail and it didnt stop.
Trump AG = "who got shot? another igga? SO.. Anyway, next topic."
result, no one goes to federal prison. same as the above.
until racist cops start going to jail for killing black people, they wont stop doing it. exposing them means nothing anymore. we know this because obama's administration did just that. put a flash light on them and they said fine i'll shoot you iggas in broad daylight in front of everyone and you still wont do ish about it.