Oh I definately think white people are gonna do something if THEY lose this. Mind you, Trump represents white supremacy. He loses, White supremacy loses.
Honestly, whether he wins or loses, we shouldn't be divisive as a community.
There's coọns in every party, culture, ethnicity under black people. There's also a divide in black women vs black men where we have bedwenches and bedbucks amongst our own community that shıt on black men and women.
This is why I was always in favor of Garvey. We shouldn't rely on outside influences to make our decisions. Simply quoting Quavos lyrics, inviting "black men don't protect black women" thee Stallion on stage to twerk or saying you make the best collard greens in your tub won't sway my vote.
LGBTQIA homo ass far left nıggas was negging me and calling me a cọon for laughing at this bıtch and being normal. If these nıggas snapped they neck at me for roasting this fake ass Cherokee in person, I would've smacked the shıt outta they bıtchasses deadass.
I don't even have a loyalty to a party, I'm just anti-trump.
This Walz guy being normal is the only thing persuading me to vote.
Edit: Speaking of which
@Roger king come catch this fade my nıgga....