Jason Black/Black Authority damage controlling on twitter about Black Panther film

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so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
And thats the thing there are two different things going on.

1) JB sounds like a clown with his take on African cultures.

2) in order to save face people are deflecting attention from 1 to focus on weirdos who think this movie is going to end white supremacy or something.

Dudes deflecting like hell to save face.
The thing is, with pbt and jb neither of them rarely ever speak about actual african culture. Tariq has at least spoken on it some, but for those 2, they never speak about it and I have heard the vast majority of their vlogs over the past several years, yet they jump out they arms over a movie that just showed the damn trailer smh.

For me who decided at least 10 years ago, to not just say I'm african but to study it, and deal with it whether right wrong or indifferent or clean or sometimes grotesque, don't matter it's my culture and that of my ancestors and everyone has a bit of ugliness in there history, so I'm not going to feel ashamed of the ugly, cause it's still my shyt.

The only things I will bash is what religion has done to some indigenous african cultures, where you have crazy pastors thinking they jesus impregnating dozens of women and spanking women on the ass with white jesus in the back, that's not african, europe has to wear that one.

But this would come across more sincere from people who seemed to be more knowledgeable about african cultures and customs, but whenever someone tries to dive into that history Jason black especially comes out like it's a waste of time to deal with that and debate over the history etc cause its about now, we'll if that's the case why you worried about how we "look" historically in hollywood?

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Damn Professor Black Truth is getting destroyed in the comment section. And we thought he was better than TBA!???? Destroy half your base brehs... Doesnt PBT realize that most of his followers are nerds unlike Tariq? lol.

@CashmereEsquire you were definitely right these clowns never cared about Africa and in reality are ashamed if it.

I NEVER wanna hear any of the Black Channel followers try and speak about Africa ever again...

Anyways here is my etherous reply
This video only exposes your complete ignorance on African culture and why no one should take you seriously. And why you should change your name from "Professor Black Truth." Of course your fans are going to put cheer with their pom poms for you and agree with everything you say(so I already know I'm outnumbered lol), but if you had the balls then you would actually counter my points and not delete this posts(I'll only expose you more).

Second don't even try to bring up that cornball "nikka nerd" or "comic c00n" nonsense because I'm going beyond comics. This video exposes so called "pro-blacks" like yourself who claim they are African this and African that and yet have a silly westernized view of Africa and her people. To a point that your type are ashamed of the indigenous cultures of Africa. What you really wanted is a westernized version of Wakanda. Wakanda which is set IN Africa. East Africa to specific. People like you only know Africa by Ancient Egypt, Carthage and South Africa. Thats it.

As a person who actually went to Africa and seen the indigenous culture first hand I can easily see past your BS. Your viewers probably cant but I can. You bring up lip plates. While I agree that I would never practice something like that myself, however we gotta respect the culture as it is unique and unique to East Africa(where Wakanda is LOCATED!!!!). The lip plate tradition is done by the Surma people of Ethiopia who are a Nilotic people(among the oldest in Africa). I SEEN these people first hand when I went to Ethiopia, when I went into the more rural areas. And while it was "taboo" it was AFRICAN. And since the fictional country of Wakanda is in East Africa like the Surma people, we see the movie incorporating this aspect of African culture into their film. This is NOTHING to be ashamed of. NO African person I talked to is ashamed of this or any forms of scarfication. Only a person influenced by white western thinking is.

You bring up spears which is even more laughable. When I was in Ethiopia many of the Ethiopian historians at the museums had told me how they took pride in their weaponary that included SPEARS. Do you know the Ethiopians defeated the Italians and among their weapons were spears? These are the type of spears I seen. https://eerpcv.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/shield-spear-tips.jpg http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l27zjnEIzH1qb9obio1_400.jpg

The Zulus till this day still take pride in their spears. The Maasi people of Kenya. The great Mandinka people of West Africa who founded those Western Sudanese empires. The Amhara people of Ethiopia who defended their country against the Italians. I can go on. Spears are just a TRADITIONAL symbol for AFRICANS that is apart of their culture. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...lag_of_Kenya.svg/1280px-Flag_of_Kenya.svg.png

Hell the Kenyan flag has a spear and shield. Again it is a traditional item. What the movie Black Panther(and comic) is trying to do is combine futuristic theme with TRADITIONAL African which includes SPEARS. I apologize if you are ashamed of traditional African weaponry. But real Africans from the continent take pride in their spears. See the Kenyan flag. As for what the "witch doctor" part as some of that is part Haitian descent you better not DARE ever bring up the Haitian revolution. Why? Because it was the so called "witch doctors" who won the revolution for us. It was them who jumpstarted it and gave us the energy to butcher the French, Spanish and English. We don't call it magic but "science." Not only that but the so called witch doctors are seen as just doctors in African society. They have so since they were hunter gatherers. Preforming brain surgery (YES brain surgery) which is why they were called healers.

Anyways, like I said you clearly have a westernized mindset which is why you do are so ashamed of one of the many typical aspects of African culture. Like I said the film is trying to incorporate many African cultural things. In the trailer I noticed Fulani hairstyle. I noticed Sahelian architecture(though futuristic), South African silk garbs among many things. As for the rest of your video I don't see how it even proves that Black Panther film is racist. While I agree blacks should stop jumping up and down like this film is gonna end white supremacy, on the other hand it is JUST A FILM.

On one more note while I do not read comics, I am very familiar with the Black Panther character. The people you call "black nerds" don't like the character to integrate into white society. That is just something you made up so your viewers can eat up. Black Panther actually represents the opposite. Yes, while the character was created by Stan Lee(a white jew), the character that we know TODAY repeat TODAY was not created by Stan Lee but further built by a black writer named Christopher Priest. The Black Panther Stan Lee created is completely different from the one Priest created(which the film is using). And pleas bedwenches and racist are already complaining about this film from what I've seen online.

All in all your lack of understanding African culture and people beyond Ancient AE, Carthage and Southern Africa is the reason why you(and TBA) have this exaggerated view of this movie. Again if you are a man counter what I said. If not it only exposes you.

Concerning VIolence

May 26, 2015
the belly of the empire
How would you look at a film that was made by Japanese filmmakers yet financed and greenlit by Hollycacs? :jbhmm:


How much does financing play into the literal script and direction of a film, breh?

Ryan Coogler said he was goin g to make this movie HIS way. Nonetheless, keep in mind this isn't "our" film. It's a Marvel film.

BP is based on a comic book. Comic books of his that are basically black excellence. They're going to stick to the source.
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May 1, 2012
It's a woke contest.. look at me I'm the wokest

It's gotten out of hand.
I'd rather our community trend that way vs trending towards being a community of bytchass ashy mouthed c00ns like you an the 70 people who dapped your post:francis:

Being too sensitive on issues concerning race won't hurt us anywhere near as badly as not being sensitive enough.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
I mean it's also because Tariq genuinely wants to see it anyway.

Because he isnt a try hard like these other dudes.

They are deflecting with the Disney made racist films in the past stuff yet JB was having wet dreams over Luke cage and handnt even seen the show in its entirety.

Like i said before these cats sont give a damn about Africa, and thats cool, just never speak on it and focus only on America and that scope of black culture.


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
Jason Black just wrong here. His whole stance on this is a humongous reach and everybody knows it. He knows it which is why he switched it up to "you black nerds are c00ns" type of rhetoric. I think he's deep down just jealous that some other people are doing stuff like this and he's still just a d-level internet guy.

I think Tariq is just one of those "player" dudes that sees "nikka-nerds" (his phrase) a certain way. Like they are beta-males. And he at first wanted to go in on that nerd shyt, but he realized that THIS was not the time to be doing that. He was right about the black dude from Star Ways being a c00n-ish character, but this time he backed off cause he know that shyt look fire. :lolbron:


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
It's interesting because white racists hate the trailer and do the "we wuz kangs" meme in the comments because they feel it shows too much black and too much positive reinforcement related to African imagery, and then you have militants mad because they think it shows primitive African images...

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Jason Black just wrong here. His whole stance on this is a humongous reach and everybody knows it. He knows it which is why he switched it up to "you black nerds are c00ns" type of rhetoric. I think he's deep down just jealous that some other people are doing stuff like this and he's still just a d-level internet guy.

I think Tariq is just one of those "player" dudes that sees "nikka-nerds" (his phrase) a certain way. Like they are beta-males. And he at first wanted to go in on that nerd shyt, but he realized that THIS was not the time to be doing that. He was right about the black dude from Star Ways being a c00n-ish character, but this time he backed off cause he know that shyt look fire. :lolbron:
TBA and PBT just hate on anything popular that black people like. They try their best to be edgy/woke while doing nothing for blacks.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
This is a SoT post, Son of Tariq :wow:
Man the underlying thing behind these post is they care what whites think of them. If they didn't they wouldn't always be on some white supremacist can use something against us. These dudes act like some folks aren't always going to have something negative to say. Why worry about them? I just don't get it esp in regards to a movie. Maybe I'm missing something


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I like them name-dropping other black owned creations that deserve attention.:obama:

A lot of us trying to put out positive black content and with the exception of a few supporters, most black people seem to overlook it or don't care.

Shyt gets frustrating at times:snoop:
Spare me the whining shyt. A lot of stuff don't make it black or white or any other race. Stop looking for sympathy fam. If you not getting that right co sign for the most part your shyt won't pop but that's just what it is most times. This isn't no black only issue so don't do that beyond wack most black people shyt. When nikkas like you do that that shyt is irksome and doesn't help with your message honeslty.
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