Jason Black/Black Authority damage controlling on twitter about Black Panther film

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No Sleep

May 5, 2012
Souf Caro
I don't feel insecure about African culture. As stated in my quote, there is nothing wrong with the cultural representations used. The issue is that they are many cases used a pejorative stereotypes of African people by white supremacists. And because this film is being made via a potentially white media company, I'm keeping my eye on that going forward.


I'm willing to bet those aren't going to be your typical ass spears lol.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
I don't feel insecure about African culture. As stated in my quote, there is nothing wrong with the cultural representations used. The issue is that they are many cases used a pejorative stereotypes of African people by white supremacists. And because this film is being made via a potentially white media company, I'm keeping my eye on that going forward.


Are swords sterotypes of Asians? are guns sterotypes of whites?

Wakanda is a fictional country. They took random influences from different ethnic groups around the continent of Africa. There are scenes where people are wearing West African clothing for a nation thats supposed to be in East Africa.

If it aint your ethnic culture being portrayed inaccurately then just stfu and enjoy the movie. You have no weight in telling them how something should be portrayed because you yourself do not even fully understand what is being portrayed.

Only people who view these things in negative lights are europeans so either you are a european or you have been conditioned to think like one.

All these over analysis of a 2 minute trailer with no context of the scenes being criticized just makes people look dumb as hell. What if dude with the lip plate is from a tribe that historically wears it? We dont know who he is and isnt even mentioned if he is a wakandan or frlm elsewhere.

Like I said you cats are ashamed.


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
I really wish pbt and black authority would have allowed the movie to drop 1st before going on a rant about its intentions and what it means for black african culture.

Sure Hollywood my misappropriate images not properly explain them etc, but honestly I don't feel that is really the issue here. I feel a lot of our people are simply embarrassed by it, but take the other route of saying white folks are trying to hold us to that, in order to avoid dealing with some african practices that a lot of us don't understand.

Strangely enough white folks always find a way to normalize and re introduce there white primate beginnings in shows like game of thrones and sparta. We have never had a proper chance to do so. And truthfully I just don't feel like a lot of these guys who scream black african power really study africa. If we could get past the awkwardness of looking at it on the surface, understand we ourselves are in a western paradigm that has shamed us at every turn about ourselves to the point most of us are still self conscious about how we look in front of white folks the way a hoe is insecure in front of her pimp, then we could look at african culture objectively and realize a lot of the things they did make a lot of damn sense and we would be more free and healthy practicing a lot of african customs

Here's 1,

You can Google picks of a african male placing his face in the rear end of a cow, many will say eww and shy away from it, but I found out that those people found out that the urine of a cow clears cataracts and blurry vision in the eyes. This is why no one needs glasses. Of course most would say that's disgusting, but it was a natural way of dealing with bad vision. Again awkward but actually kinda deep when you think about it. You have to be mature though.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Are swords sterotypes of Asians? are guns sterotypes of whites?

Wakanda is a fictional country. They took random influences from different ethnic groups around the continent of Africa. There are scenes where people are wearing West African clothing for a nation thats supposed to be in East Africa.

If it aint your ethnic culture being portrayed inaccurately then just stfu and enjoy the movie. You have no weight in telling them how something should be portrayed because you yourself do not even fully understand what is being portrayed.

Only people who view these things in negative lights are europeans so either you are a european or you have been conditioned to think like one.

All these over analysis of a 2 minute trailer with no context of the scenes being criticized just makes people look dumb as hell. What if dude with the lip plate is from a tribe that historically wears it? We dont know who he is and isnt even mentioned if he is a wakandan or frlm elsewhere.

Like I said you cats are ashamed.

If an Asian-based movie was made where people were walking around in modern day using Samurai swords, that would be given a closer look to confirm if stereotype is being used as a means to disparage in a backhanded fashion. Why? Because under a system of white supremacy, swords, Kung Fu and other things associated with Asian culture have been used as inside jokes to poke fun at Asian people.

And you keep intentionally misconstruing what I said. I never said I was ashamed of what was represented. I said that I'm a bit wary of how those cultural aspects will be represented from a white media machine perspective.



All Star
May 12, 2012
Nashville Tenn
Are swords sterotypes of Asians? are guns sterotypes of whites?

Wakanda is a fictional country. They took random influences from different ethnic groups around the continent of Africa. There are scenes where people are wearing West African clothing for a nation thats supposed to be in East Africa.

If it aint your ethnic culture being portrayed inaccurately then just stfu and enjoy the movie. You have no weight in telling them how something should be portrayed because you yourself do not even fully understand what is being portrayed.

Only people who view these things in negative lights are europeans so either you are a european or you have been conditioned to think like one.

All these over analysis of a 2 minute trailer with no context of the scenes being criticized just makes people look dumb as hell. What if dude with the lip plate is from a tribe that historically wears it? We dont know who he is and isnt even mentioned if he is a wakandan or frlm elsewhere.

Like I said you cats are ashamed.

This kind of opened my eyes to what people were saying when they stated "all pro-black people want to just fixate on Egypt." I consider myself as such but I never had that mentality personally so it was hard to see. When I saw the preview, I was prideful. From the spears, plates in mouths, etc., I just felt like 'all' of Africa might actually get some proper representation in this film. Now Disney has been known to bait and switch in previews (Finn), but with a majority black cast and leadership, I'm confident there won't be too much funny business. Now if they shoehorn in Ironman to save the day, I will have seen the movie to be able to have issues with it and complaints but I digress. we are more than just pyramids. That's customs we came from, that's weapons that we used, and we shouldn't ever be ashamed of it.
May 1, 2012
It's a woke contest.. look at me I'm the wokest

It's gotten out of hand.

basically....its a contest to prove who is blackest.....

these 80s and 90s cats act like they just discovered racism....:mjgrin:

but then again they dont really do shyt but talk and call everybody over 40 a c00n :yeshrug:

maybe if i start listening to kendrick and get a 'black' twitter account....i wont be c00n anymore :mjgrin:
May 1, 2012
basically....its a contest to prove who is blackest.....

these 80s and 90s cats act like they just discovered racism....:mjgrin:

but then again they dont really do shyt but talk and call everybody over 40 a c00n :yeshrug:

maybe if i start listening to kendrick and get a 'black' twitter account....i wont be c00n anymore :mjgrin:

@No Sleep

whats wrong breh...you on your period today?
you cats dont even know the true meaning or origin of c00n...because if you did you wouldnt throw that term around so loosely :francis:

Jesus Bhrist

All Star
Feb 22, 2017
Arabian Colonization & European colonization has fukked up black folks, " WHITE SUPREMACY" is a misnomer I like 2 call it
"WHITE HEGEMONY" leadership or dominance of one country over another that's it....calling it "WHITE SUPREMACY " you subconsciously give it this supernatural element & adress it as a supernatural entity that cannot be surmounted, they have the military technology & resources 2 oppress other nations that's it....They call it "MANIFEST DESTINY" they believe them conquering & exploring the world was inevitable & justified, in the words of the great styles p " teach you're kids how 2 read & write & use the Ruger"

fukk trying 2 wake up these so called c00ns, bedwenches, sambos, agents, & whatever other shyt these nikkaz come up with.....let's focus on the future & teach the youth how 2 love themselves, teach them black excellence, teach them about their African roots & about great African civilizations past & present, teach them about black people from all over not just here in America but in the Caribbean & Africa as well....these nikkaz just wanna monetize & commodify black pain & suffering, in order for then 2 profit there has 2 be division amongst us in thought & ideology

Another thing if we know the symptoms of "WHITE HEGEMONY" & " European colonization" and the effects it has on our people why are we so cold & apathetic towards each other?? Like nikka you talking about how the oppressor has oppressed black folks & got the nerve 2 ridicule & castigate the victims & yes some of our people have Stockholm syndrome but not all of us, I don't get these nikkaz "WOKE" nikkaz



I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
The fact he's doing all that sulky snot faced crying on Twitter because people are disagreeing with him shows how bytchmade he really is.

Look at all the videos he's done with people cosigning him, yet all you have to do is contradict what he says respectfully and flies off into a rage. Honestly, I've really lost respect for this dude. :smh:

Squirrel from Meteor Man

Apr 16, 2015
I'm looking forward to the movie, but I see where he's coming from :yeshrug:

This movie is taking place in modern day, yet dudes are running around with spears. That's a typical African stereotype promoted by white supremacists. There's nothing wrong with spears, yet it seems odd that this advanced society would still be using spears as a defense mechanism in the modern world of armament.

The lip plate is culture...........for a very, very small portion of Africa. Probably only a handful of tribes on the entire continent. It's reminiscent to the bone through the nose stereotype that is pushed by white supremacists. Is there anything wrong with that cultural aspect? No. But it seems to be kinda backhandish in a sense that it's placed prominently within a superhero film based in Africa.

Again, I can't wait to see the movie. But one must understand that white supremacy will give you something and still use that something to mock black people and black culture.

Take note from the recent Star Wars movie starring John Boyega :francis:

Blacks were hype to see a main character in Star Wars that was black. They expected a hero. They expected him to get that prized white woman. They expected him to be light sabering people to death.

And what happened so far? :jbhmm:

Dude got his ass kicked all movie. Dude was acting like a school boy around a tomboy, swaggering white woman.

So, they gave you a black lead. And then they made him a coward and an asexual lame. And I don't think he'll ever be the hero or get some sexual attention from the lead female character.

Again, I'm very much looking forward to the movie. But I'm keeping my eyes open for the BS. :skip:

This is a SoT post, Son of Tariq :wow:
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