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that was @KidStranglehold 's comment, and its gone nowI guess you can't please all of the people all of the time. He usually makes good videos but he's full of shyt and just reaching on this one.
One of the replies to his vid set him straight:
For somone who calls himself "Professor Black Truth" You exposed yourself with being completely ignorant about African culture. 1. Lip Plates are used by actual African ethnicity in East Africa(where Wakanda is located btw) like the Suri people. The Black Panther film is clearly incorporating multiple African cultures. 2. Spears? Spears are apart of MANY traditional African cultures. The Zulu people today still preserve their spears. More importantly spears are USED in the BP comics. In Black Panther they use a combo of African traditional weapons with advanced tech. Clearly you have been influenced by white supremacy if you that as something to be seen as negative. lol. We are talking about the most advanced / conservative / high-IQ country in the world, they could destroy USA/China/North Korea/ Europe in 2 hours. But they are conserving their culture, Africa is not a fukking country, there are several cultures, and I know it, i am myself African. And there is no shame by using spears or tattoos. In West and North Africa, this is more different, because we are predominantly Muslim, so we have many mosques, our language and cultures are different. They took the culture of South-East Bantu. If you consider these elements are just stereotypes and are putting down Africans, you are the true C00n here, and you are rooted by White Supremacist sight which advocates the fact that, all "African things" are savage / Barbares. In Game Of Thrones, there are fukking incest, sisters are fukking with their brothers, mothers with their sons, fathers with their grandma/daughters, there are cannibals and witches, this is true NEANDERTHAL BARBARES. Here we see black excellence, we see an African King who built a great Black conservative nation, who will fukk up some whites bytches. What the fukk we care about White Supremacist opinions? It suppose to upgrade the vision of black people about themselves, what's wrong with that? But I partially agree with u, by creating our own medias.
LOL wow just lost respect for PBT. With a lot of these youtube personalities shyt is just about ego. You got people telling him they disagree and he's getting emotional like a little bytch making being disrespectful then deleting comments.
If you're too sensitive to face any kind of criticism then you shouldn't be making videos at all.
Does he not have a right to bytch about something he doesn't like?!
He didn't like the mayor of Ferguson and was doing something about it.
He didn't like how black people didn't own their own economy so he actually did something about it.
He didn't like the slander towards BOAN so he did something about it.
He didn't like how the media was slandering dead black victims so he did something about it.
He's just one man with an opinion and but what's more telling is the people showing up in DROVES to defend the white man's product. They weren't this enthused or hyper defensive when Slieght or BOAN came out. But now everyone's Malcolm X when one man decides to go off the rails against a goddamn comic book movie?!
It doesn't matter what the movie would portray, at the end of the day it a fukking fictional COMICBOOK movie finanaxed and owned by whites at Disney. I'm not holding my breath for something that would boost your self-esteem.
I'm going to add that while I think Jason Black's critique of the Black Panther trailer/film is overblown, I do think that black people must keep in mind that this character was created by a white person/persons and you should be suspicious of any ideas they thrown into this film/character.
I'm looking forward to the movie, but I see where he's coming from
This movie is taking place in modern day, yet dudes are running around with spears. That's a typical African stereotype promoted by white supremacists. There's nothing wrong with spears, yet it seems odd that this advanced society would still be using spears as a defense mechanism in the modern world of armament.
The lip plate is culture...........for a very, very small portion of Africa. Probably only a handful of tribes on the entire continent. It's reminiscent to the bone through the nose stereotype that is pushed by white supremacists. Is there anything wrong with that cultural aspect? No. But it seems to be kinda backhandish in a sense that it's placed prominently within a superhero film based in Africa.
Again, I can't wait to see the movie. But one must understand that white supremacy will give you something and still use that something to mock black people and black culture.
Take note from the recent Star Wars movie starring John Boyega
Blacks were hype to see a main character in Star Wars that was black. They expected a hero. They expected him to get that prized white woman. They expected him to be light sabering people to death.
And what happened so far?
Dude got his ass kicked all movie. Dude was acting like a school boy around a tomboy, swaggering white woman.
So, they gave you a black lead. And then they made him a coward and an asexual lame. And I don't think he'll ever be the hero or get some sexual attention from the lead female character.
Again, I'm very much looking forward to the movie. But I'm keeping my eyes open for the BS.
Just say you feel insecure about black cultures you know nothing about.