And just as I posted that, RealHero came in with the quickness
Astronauts vs Twin Towers - BJW 12/20/2020
I'll call this "The Concussion Bowl"

loved the dynamic of Nomura and Abe basically saying "fukk you, we are not the spunky young team anymore, we are the fukking champs" and going toe to toe with the two monsters. Shuji tried to disrespect Young Gawd by calling him "pretty boy"

and refusing to even engage on a rope break, which lead to Nomura slapping the shyt out of him and forcing Ishikawa to take Astronauts seriously...well, be careful what you wish for because from then on, Shuji literally tries to concuss both Abe and Nomura with vicious headbutts for the next 13 minutes. And you know, Sato already knows these kids so he tries to obliterate them from the get go.
The finish is sudden but makes complete sense as it was built up quite nicely. Match didn't disappoint, but don't watch if you are corncerned about wrestler's health, this goes into demonic puro head hunting. Check it out brehs
@Scottie Drippin @Legal @International Koala @PlayerNinety_Nine @TheGodling @TrueEpic08 @EL REY @SubZeroDegrees
Those two bums toured like a whole year with Big Japan and now they acting like invaders
They better get their heads caved in