That was my first time seeing a NJPW event live. is this a good article for a new jack like me?
That shyt was so fire. Nakamura was really dope. I saw Ibushi one time before in a 3-way match with Low Ki and Prince Devitt. I was sort of pulling for Ibushi to take it. I liked how stiff the match was with the strikes, and it was almost like an MMA fight at first. That might have been my favorite match of the night. It was so stiff but the storytelling was great. I had no idea what the beef between the 2 wrestlers were, but I totally bought into it.
What's the deal with Nakamura's gimmick? Is he supposed to be like a Michael Jackson type of cat?
other thoughts as someone that hasn't really watched Puro at all since the KENTA/Nakamura's feud was the hot thing.
- Bullet club is dope. I wish I'd seen them when Prince Devitt was still there. Did AJ Styles really break 2 necks with the Styles Clash this year?

I don't know if that suplex into a neckbreaker that Styles did was a botch or not, but it looked brutal.
- Speaking of Bullet Club, Kenny Omega was dope also. Dude coming out like Michael Douglas in Black Rain. Rocking the perm with the gray hair. I like the hit man gimmick. That One Winged Angel was ridiculous, and so was that deadlift gutwrench sitout powerbomb. I looked up on youtube. This motherfukker hit a fisherman buster where he crossed their legs during the lift, a cot damn Ryu/Ken Hadouken on someone's face, then did an electric chair into a German suplex,
- it was nice seeing my main Marufuji. he looked like he put on some weight since the KENTA feud days. i was hoping to seem him finish with a Pole Shift or Tiger Flowsion but that was a good tag match. All the tag matches were great, and I gotta figure out who some of these guys are. I liked the Young Bucks and reDRagon. The 1st few matches went by so fast I don't remember all the names and everything.
- Sakuraba/Suzuki was great. I'm a die hard MMA fan since the early PRIDE days, so that was just great to watch. Saku at metamoris and now this? Yeah, real pleasure to see an MMA style shoot fight on the card. Seeing Saku apply a Kimura was

Both dudes are legends. I wanted Saku to take it, but Suzuki is such a huge legend too. Great match.
- The main event was awesome! I've seen one with these guys before. Okada won the one I saw. Apparently some people don't like Tanahashi? Like he's the John Cena of NJPW? Am I wrong on that? I can't believe he kicked out of the Rainmaker. I thought that was like Burning Hammer status? The build up was so solid in that match. I've never seen a crowd pop for a dropkick like that before.
4.5/5. Awesome show.