Seeing as no one was upping this match I decided to sub and rip it for the brehs
Daisuke Sekimoto vs dikk Togo - BJW "Osaka Surprise" 4/22/18
password: colitsc
To say I had high expectations for this is an understatement, and you know what? It delivered

the performance by Togo is fukking incredible, Daisuke plays the role of "unstoppable monster" greatly, as usual, but it's Togo's job as the underdog that makes this match awesome to watch. Don't expect a bomb fest, this was one of those methodical, every move matters, type of Strong BJ match, which I fukking love. The story is as simple as can be: Sekimoto is the big dude that imposes his will and Togo has to scratch and claw to get Daisuke off him. You can feel the struggle in every attempt by Togo to get our of trouble, and the ways he finds to do it are dope to watch - like, everyone goes for a head lock to get out of the Argentine Backbreaker, but the way Togo fights to get that headlock is just on another level - and when he finally gets a chance to breathe, he's too exhausted to capitalize on it because of all the effort it took to get there. When he finally gets on top it makes sense, but it doesn't last long as he takes a risk that doesn't pay off. Once Daisuke sees his chance to get control back, he fukking goes for it, as he realizes what he has to do to finish this off. Awesome match, check it out
@TrueEpic08 @trick @Scottie Drippin @SubZeroDegrees @MightyHealthy @Beautiful Bobby Eatin @3Rivers
ps: there's a little kid that screams SEKIMOTOOOOOOO for 20 minutes, little breh a stan like me