ALSO, Masato Tanaka is running a 25th Anniversary show in Korakuen Hall on 9/30, the main event? Well...
Masato Tanaka & Takashi Sugiura vs Daisuke Sekimoto and Yuji Hino
@Scottie Drippin
Suplexes, forearms, and middle fingers
ALSO, Masato Tanaka is running a 25th Anniversary show in Korakuen Hall on 9/30, the main event? Well...
Masato Tanaka & Takashi Sugiura vs Daisuke Sekimoto and Yuji Hino
@Scottie Drippin
It is with a humble heart that I must inform you all that I will be stepping back from active coverage for the website.
I have dedicated well over 15 years to keeping up with news and results in regards to with Japanese Pro-Wrestling, but as I am not in my mid-30’s it is time that I begin focusing my time on future with both my family and work. I attempted to make a few things possible for me to undertake this role for the last few years though I have finally come to terms that I am struggling to give it my all every single day. This may not be a final goodbye, but for now I need to put my time into more important aspects of my daily life.
I want to thank everyone who has directly supported Puroresu Spirit for the last 9 years now and looking back I wish I would have started this project sooner, but it is what is now.
I will consolidate it back under the older WordPress blog just for record keeping sake. Though with that said, I will be offering the website up for anyone(s) who believes they have the time to give to the project.
Bushido is stepping down from Puroresuspirit I really liked that site, it had the most complete info when it came to results and schedules.
STRIGGA is the only one left.
Gutted, that was my go-to site for all puro. Very informative. However, you saw the cracks when he didn't update New Japan since March.
Also, I didn't know the same dude who uploaded the G1 matches on rutube uploaded Miyahara vs Zeus.
Kento Miyahara (c) vs. Zeus - AJPW Summer Action Series 2018 - Tag 11
Bout to watch it.
I’m sick of bum ass Cody weaseling his way onto these cards in title matches. If Juice can carry him to a good match, his next trick will be walking on water.*The Long Beach show will have Ospray vs Scrull, Young Bucks vs BCOG and Juice vs Cody as he big matches. Interested to see if there's any late ticket sales, seems solid enough to warrant it.
I’m sick of bum ass Cody weaseling his way onto these cards in title matches. If Juice can carry him to a good match, his next trick will be walking on water.
I’m sick of bum ass Cody weaseling his way onto these cards in title matches. If Juice can carry him to a good match, his next trick will be walking on water.