Actually took the time to hear that, and it was
Using Nakanishi as an example of "he has had the title, no rush in him getting it back" is just

Nakanishi got a token Thank You title run because Gedo decided to improvise and give Korakuen Hall a special moment after the FantasticaMania tour got cancelled. He was never meant to be champ and even though it resulted in a fun story that gave an interesting twist Tana's first Ace run - the days when Gedo was still creative - Nakanishi never even in the vicinity of being the draw Naito is or as over to warrant a 2nd title run.
The 1 year payoff thing is the exact same shyt people were spewing after WK 9, I honestly can't believe fans that defend the decision don't realize that. Wasting 1 year of booking is NOT worth the wait. WK 13 might be a huge success instead of the flop that was WK 10, but the story being told is exactly the same as just 3 fukking years ago

and we still have no clue if Naito is gonna be injury free or if Gedo even has a fukking plan. There's a balance between long term booking and striking while the iron is hot and running with it, people keep forgetting this isn't the first time his coronation has been delayed, this is the 2nd year. Fans seem to shrug it off thinking Omega vs Okada didn't cockblock Naito the first time, but it did.
The lack of challengers shyt is just laughable. The guy says they shouldn't waste an Okada rematch in New Beginnings, but then says any other challenger wouldn't be a real threat....only to then show Sanada being the next challenger for Okada and not saying shyt about it

Naito didn't need a strong challenger right off the bat. And hell, if you wanted to give him one, book him against Jericho for the belt, now THAT would get even more "mainstream" attention than what he says in #3.
I understand creating the narrative that Naito wasn't ready just like Okada wasn't ready in WK 9. It makes sense kayfabe wise and short term it wont hurt business as both are still draws and New Japan is pretty damn hot. Doesn't make that shyt is interesting to watch and that it was a wasted opportunity to give a much needed spark to the main event picture.