Essential Japanese Wrestling Discussion/News

The Rainmaker

Mr. Money in the Bank
Jun 12, 2012
I was afraid they were going to give Yoshi Tatsu the Triple Crown with all the title changes this year... Glad that wasn't the case:whew:


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
I seen some of the matches and breh:dwillhuh:....

Now the legit type of matches beyond deathmatch I haven't touch yet.

Give me those recommendations:feedme:


I've been writing recommendations about matches for over a year now in this thread. The whole point of watching Big Japan is the non deathmatch stuff breh :banderas:


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
:patrice:Guess I'm going to have to comb through the thread then...

Shame BJWCore is struggle status so far:scust:

Search button is :lawd:

For this year I made a little list till June,

Yeah, it was a really fun sprint. I think I "reviewed" it here too but I can't remember anymore :heh:

For Big Japan, my list for "worth a watch/really good/MOTYCs" matches so far this year would be:

-Strong BJ vs Twin Towers 1/2/17
-Daisuke Sekimoto vs Hideki Suzuki 3/5/17

-Strong BJ & Nakanoue vs Okami & Yoshihisa Uto - Can't remember the date, there's a match from March between them but I think there's another one and I don't know which is the better one.
-Daisuke Sekimoto vs Hideki Suzuki 3/31/17
-Yuji Okabayashi vs Daichi Hashimoto - 4/9/17
-Strong BJ & Kazuki Hashimoto vs Okami & Yuko Miyamoto - 4/8/17
-Hideki Suzuki vs Yuji Okabayashi 5/5/17
-Strong BJ vs Ryota Hama & Yasufumi Nakanoue 5/25/17

-Hideki Suzuki vs Hideyoshi Kamitani 5/25/17
-Strong BJ vs Okami - 6/11/17
-Strong BJ vs Takuya Nomura & Tatsuhiko Yoshino - 6/28/17
-Okami & Sato vs Hama, Nakanoue & Aoki - 6/28/17

Strong division back like it's 2010-2012 :to: :blessed:

Search this thread from July on for the newer piff, you wont regret breh :myman:

If you want more piff from the past, here's a list a I made a while ago about Sekimoto and other Strong BJ stuff.

I added a couple of matches to this recommendation list I did two years ago. It doesn't have all the top notch stuff but it's still full of piff.

Daisuke Sekimoto & Yoshihito Sasaki vs. Takashi Sasaki & Yuko Miyamoto 01/02/08

Masato Tanaka vs. Daisuke Sekimoto BJW 4/28/08

fukking amazing, Tanaka goes after the arm and tries to block every single suplex, while Sekimoto just tries to beat the living daylights out of him. Only bit that (sort of) hurts it is Sekimoto pretty much forgetting about his arm selling at some point when they were still in the story part, but it didn't bother me as much considering what they were doing and Korakuen being Korakuen. Finishing stretch is fukking bananas

Maximum Tag League - Semi Final: Masato Tanaka & Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Yuko Miyamoto & Takashi Sasaki (BJW 4/28/09)

Another great tag match in Korakuen Hall. Miyamoto gets distroyed at the begining by Daisuke and Dangan, so it's up to Takashi to level things up. Still, that's not enough as Tanaka/Sekimoto always find a way to get the upperhand but Miyamoto refuses to die every single time he's in the reciving end of a German Suplex. The finishing strech is awesome

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Masa Takahashi - KO-D Openweight Title Match 4/4/10 DDT

Daisuke smash puny Masa! But Takahashi has a plan and lots of fighting spirit to counter that, he may go a little overboard with his facial expressions and fighting spirit spots but I was so into the match that didn't really care, loved everything this match.The crowd eats up this incredible underdog story that has a big chance of being my puro MOTY for 2010.

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Kota Ibushi - KO-D Openweight Title Match DDT 5/3/10

First minutes are kinda slow but the match starts building in intensity until Daisuke decides to slap Kota...from then on these 2 went BATshyt CRAZY, from elbows to stomps to the absolutely brutal headbutts. Man, I wish this had one last Ibushi comeback before getting killed by the champ, but given that Sekimoto had to wrestle a few hours earlier for Big Japan, I was more than pleased with this.

Daisuke Sekimoto, Yuji Okabayashi & Ryuichi Kawakami vs Yoshihito Sasaki, Shinya Ishikawa & Masashi Otani - BJW 2/12/11

Even better than the usually great Strong BJ tag. It has even more hate and stiffness than normal, and you have the story of the rookie Otani trying to survive the attacks of Oka, Kawakami and specially Daisuke. Everyone looked great in this, just a brutal (in a super fun kinda way) match.

Daisuke Sekimoto vs. El Generico wXw 16 Carat Gold Tournament 03/13/11

Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi vs Seiya Sanada & Manabu Soya - AJPW 3/21/11

Although it didn't have the atmosphere of their first match at Korakuen, they made it up with a better version of what they did in February. It's amazing how great this was considering it went longer than 30 minutes - it seems that in today's puro, everything has to be shorter than 25 to be really great - and that the February match suffered from them going so long. This didn't have the same amount of overkill than their first encounter and it benefited from it. The Sekimoto/Soya exchanges are brilliant and Oka/Sanada aren't far behind. A legit MOTYC.

Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi vs Manabu Soya & Ryota Hama - BJW 4/28/11

fukking awesome match, exactly what I expect from an interpromotional encounter. A hot crowd, hate and clear faces and heels. Korakuen is firmly behind the BJ guys and Hama uses this to deliver THE performance of his career. It's worked refreshingly smart considering who is in the ring and the fact that it's a title match.
Daisuke Sekimoto, Shinobu & Yugi Okabayashi vs. Yoshihito Sasaki, Shinya Ishikawa & Ryuichi Kawakami - BJW 6/27/11

Strong BJ for the motherfukking win! Holy crap this was all kinds of awesome. Shinobu and Yoshihito bring the HATE, Daisuke & Okabayashi the muscle and Ishikawa & Kawakami the resilience. Action packed 6 man tag with a couple of GREAT nearfalls. And all of this in just 11 minutes.

Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi vs SUWAMA & Takumi Soya - REAL WORLD TAG LEAGUE, Day 1

Very good tag match, it builds very slowly but I was happy with the payoff in the end. The first 3/4 of the match are mostly about Daisuke and Yuji beating the leaving hell out of Soya, who does a good job at being the FIP (specially in his hope spots). Then SUWAMA gets in and we get a great finishing stretch. LOVED Daisuke not being able to deadlift SUWAMA and asking Okabayashi for help, but Oka is too tired and gives the young Soya enough time to interfere, save his partner and lead us to the ending.

Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi vs Suwama & Takumi Soya - Death Vegas

Man was this fun or what. I was gladly surprised that the Yokohama crowd (which had been dead for most of the show) decided to participate in this, of course it wasn't even close to a Korakuen crowd but at least it was something. Completely different from the RWTL match as Soya/Suwama are clearly the bad guys. They did a great job heeling it up all things considered. It ran a little too long with Takumi being a little too resilient for my taste but overall this was very good. I loved how the crowd started to get anxious about Oka and Daisuke not being able to win, even booing the referee's pin fall counts. Also, I hate to say it but I'm HYPED for Suwama vs Sekimoto at Korakuen Hall on 1/2, I tried not to get my expectations up but after this I wanna see this 2 bring the hate and stiffness to Korakuen in a singles match.

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Suwama - AJPW 1/2/12

So yeah, this was great and oddly enough met my high expectations. Heated as a interpromotional matches between two aces should be. Suwama, aware of Sekimoto's freaky strength, takes out his back and leaves him helpless. Locking in a crab, whipping him in to the barricade, just making him his bytch basically. This is all fuel to Sekimoto's comeback. He sells the back well and leaves you on the edge of your seat whenever he attempts a big power move.

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Yuji Okabayashi - BJW 02/26/12

Definitely the best match of their trilogy. It's so fun watching how Yuji has grown as a performer and as a threat to Daisuke, from Korakuen believing more in him every year to going head to head in the bombs department against Sekimoto. The headbutts were brutal but I've kinda become numb to them ever since Daisuke and Ibushi tried to kill each other in 2010. A great heavyweight battle, can't wait till they meet again in 2013.

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Yoshihito Sazaki- Strong Climb Tournament Final BJW 3/26/12

Brilliant, just brilliant. I was disappointed with Daisuke's work in the Bad Bones match (specially his control section) but man did the guy stepped up in the final. And Yoshihiko....oh man, his work as the underdog was fukking beautiful. Sekimoto gains control in the first minute and proceeds to work over Sasaki's neck, from then on it's all about Yoshihito working from behind trying to overcome Daisuke's brilliant work over that body part. Both men executed their roles to perfection and Korakuen understood what this was all about. The final minutes are outstanding and if you are not rooting for Yoshihito then you don't have a fukking soul.

Daisuke Sekimoto & Yoshihito Sasaki vs Tsutomu Oosugi & Hercules Senga - BJW 29.10.2012
Strong BJ doing what it does best. Taking a team of undercard rookies and putting them against the established stars. It's a faultless formula and low and behold it delivers again here. Senga and Oosugi are skinny shrimps and have to fight for their lives just so they don't get butchered here. Fight for their fukking lives they do. Early onslaught to take Sekimoto and Sasaki off guard is brilliant and you really feel like they're fighting for survival and not just for moves. Missed top rope dive is a super transition spot into them getting destroyed. Sasaki and Sekimoto destroying little skinny guys is always gonna be fun and Sekimoto gives a little extra in this than you usually get. Comeback and the finish is really fun too. Sekimoto and Sasaki's OUTRAGE at the end capped it off perfectly.

Daisuke Sekimoto, Yuji Okabayashi, Shinobu & Kazuki Hashimoto vs. Yoshihito Sasaki, Shinya Ishikawa, Ryuichi Kawakami & Madoka(BJW 5/27/13)

Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi vs. Shuji Kondo & Kaz Hayashi Wrestle-1, 8/9/13

Bodyslams & backbreakers bytches!!! Strong BJ smash the living shyt out of the Last Revolution juniors for much of this, but Kondo & Hayashi rally magnificently with some hi-octane double team assualt & battery.

Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Ryuichi Kawakami BJW 6/30/14

Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi vs Happy Motels - DDT 2/15/15

Saitama wasn't the best crowd for this kind of match but it still worked. Strong BJ dominates as they should (with Oka looking very impressive, despite looking fatter every time I see a match of his nowadays) and the young ones trying their best to catch up. Takeshyta really is the future, dude's strength is impressive for such a young age and he "get's it" like very few young guys have. His interactions with Daisuke were really fun and I hope we get a singles match between them down the road.

Twin Towers (Shuji Ishikawa & Kohei Sato) vs Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi BJW 5/28/15

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Shuji Ishikawa - 3/31/2015

They went full retard with the no-selling (specially Daisuke) and kickouts so don't expect a classic. But Korakuen was so into this that I couldn't help having a blast watching this. It's like SHINGO vs Davey Richards, were there's a lot wrong with the match but it's so much fun to watch thanks to the atmosphere.

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Yuji Okabayashi - BJW 20/07/2015

It wasn't the classic it could've been - it lacked the story and drama of something like Daisuke/Y.Sasaki - but it was still really fukking good. A hot Korakuen crowd could've pushed this to legit MOTYC level, but the reduced Sumo Hall audience wasn't that bad either, I was expecting worse. No big story here, your usual "2 big dudes colliding back and forth". I would've loved to see them sell Sekimoto going for the head, or sell Yuji just being a beast and not being faced by it, in the end it just looked like no selling by Okabayashi and the crowd didn't see it as anything else either. They still make it compelling by beating the absolute shyt out of each other - :dead:at Okabayashi busting his nose in the first lock up - and pulling off some impressive strengths spots (though they were waaaay to ambitious with a couple and ended up botching them, but I didn't give much of a damn tbh). LOVED that they didn't go full retard with the nearfalls, they had me a couple of times. The right man won, I'll eagerly wait for part VI of this series.
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Now, where to find all these matches? Rutube, youtube, vimeo and daylimotion are your friends. Ditch too.


May 18, 2015

Wtf is wrong with Ospreay? Mother fukker just straight up DDT'd himself on the god damn floor. :dwillhuh: