Essential Japanese Wrestling Discussion/News

Honga Ciganesta

Japanese Keyhole Porn Don
May 1, 2012
1. Futen still exists, right? Please tell me that it does...

It does but their schedule is cut way back (and they weren't running that often anyway) and it takes an absolute age for the stuff to get online(6-9 months minimum). A guy on another forum got in touch with Ikeda, somehow, and he (Ikeda) said the 2012 stuff would be coming out soon which probably means another six month wait at least. I'll post any updates in the thread, suprised anyone else here is into it, it's a niche kinda thing even for puro fans it seems. The show they had in Jan 2011 is one of the best cards I've seen though.

The last thing to surface was a July match between Ishikawa & Krüger and Yone & Ikeda, it's pretty good even if it never reaches the heights of the best stuff, worth checking out when you get caught up with current stuff;

[ame=]Viktor_Krueger_Bati-Bati-46_main_event_part_1/3.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

Parts 2 and 3:

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Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
Oh yeah I agree, they do tend to influence people a bit though, a lot of times I'm talking about a match I don't like and someone will bring out the ''Meltzer rated it highly'' point as if that makes it a great match automatically. I'm used to not agreeing with his ratings, I just thought it was interesting how he rated those two matches.

Another note from the Observer on NOAH:

Just ridiculous. They've also got Yano & Iizuka running around stealing belts and getting title shots :beli:

I fukking hate Yano so that I get but I dont understand the Iizuka hate. Hes harmless and tolerable generally.

Honga Ciganesta

Japanese Keyhole Porn Don
May 1, 2012
It's more about his position in NOAH, near the top of the card, stealing belts, main angle stuff, just an(other) indictment of NOAH really, that was my meaning.

I don't hate him particularly, but I hate that NOAH are so desperate that they have to bring him in to sure up the main event scene. I mean it's probably not worth getting excited over on my part since NOAH is where it is, and is going to be Zero-1/Indy level soon, but it still irks me a bit since NOAH was my main fed getting into puro and I don't like what it's become over the years.

Bob Loblaw

May 4, 2012
is Low Ki still wrestling dressed as Hitman or was this a one off? what's the story behind it?



pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Low Ki stopped working New Japan too. It's like he only comebacks if they give him the title and goes away as soon as he loses it and is out of the title picture :heh:

Miracle Violence

Animal Instinct
May 1, 2012
As everyone knows by now, All Japan has officially announced that the promotion has been purchased by Japanese investment firm, Speed Partners. This comes after almost 10 year’s worth of speculation as to All Japan’s financial situation due to very questionable choices made early in the Muto Regime, choices that haunted the promotion right up until last November when SP purchased the company for a reported 200 million yen.

In order to understand the meaning of this transfer of power, one must know the history behind the reasoning of All Japan being sold off to a company most would think know little about professional wrestling. In 2002, New Japan legend Keiji Muto transferred to AJPW out of protest to the company’s increasing focus on the MMA world. At this time, the company was viewed as having been saved as not only did Muto join, he brought along top young star Satoshi Kojima, top junior Kendo Kashin, former WCW cruiserweight Kaz Hayashi, and a few key members of New Japan’s booking team. By September of 2002, Motoko Baba, widow to All Japan founder Giant Baba, transferred her stocks to Keiji Muto, and the Muto-era was off to a bang. However, record house attendances and new blood weren’t enough to keep things smooth sailing for long as poor booking choices such as Kojima and Taiyo Kea not getting victories over Genichiro Tenryu, the failed W1 project with MMA promotion K1/FEG, and of course the Goldberg/Kronic fiascos ruined any momentum All Japan had quickly built for itself (lets not forget about spending money on the rights to use Metallica music at their shows..).

Throughout 2003 through 2008, the promotion experienced hellacious growing pains which saw overhauls in fight producers (bookers), talent, and numerous scandals (some of which I have never disclosed) rock the promotion. All this in spite of dramatically changing the way the promotion was booked, and having successful stints, such as recapturing national television (“Pro-Wres LOVE” from 2004 to 2005), and the incredible 2005 year (the year of package pro-wrestling and “gaijin heaven”). It just seemed the promotion couldn’t catch a break. The mighty blow being served after waning popularity caused them to withdraw from Nippon Budokan, the holy place for All Japan.

Muto kept things afloat over the years through numerous sponsorships. Some partnerships were heavily scrutinized, like the deal made with a soft-porn company, while others worked in their favor akin to their relationship with Sanrio. The Sanrio deal would eventually turn from less of a sponsorship after initially funding All Japan’s Sumo Hall events from 2006 to 2007 into more of a merchandising deal, allowing them to use the Hello Kitty brand to spawn creative merchandising and branding concepts, but it was apparent that without real money, All Japan was doomed.

Now, for all Muto did wrong, he did do right as well, securing Kohei Suwama, who is now the ace of the promotion, and focusing on building a healthy dojo that was churned out almost 20 recruits since 2002. Taking the booking and making it meet the wrestling, which for a while was lacking, and making the product one of the most interesting groups in all of Japan. All this while groups such as the Kensuke Office, Voodoo Murders, F4, GURENTAI, and RO&D flourished and kept the group alive when the money was dead.

Fast forward to 2011. Everything that happens is for a reason, and when Jun Akiyama made claims that he wanted to challenge for the TC, won, and immensely enjoyed his stint in the group, the wheels were set in motion. Rumors of Akiyama wanting to transfer to All Japan ran amuck on the Japanese boards, but everyone wondered where the group would get the money, and quickly dismissed any notion of it actually happening. Deals aren’t made overnight, and in November of 2012, news broke that Jun Akiyama and 4 more of NOAH’s main wrestlers wished to leave the promotion and head for All Japan. Again, money was discussed amongst fans, little did we know that the deal was already done.

On 2/25/2013, All Japan held a press conference to announce that it had been sold to Speed Partners with a wealth of details being announced. One, that the deal was sealed in November of 2012 (the same month Burning turned down contracts from NOAH). Enter Nobuo Shiraishi, president of SP, and now president of All-Japan Systems, the new governing body for All-Japan. Shiraishi has already made headlines with his optimistic, yet stern approach to revamping All-Japan. Already threatening anyone who didn’t pull their weight on the card to be removed (directly aimed towards KENSO), and requesting Shuji Kondo be made a permanent heavyweight. He has also stated that he planned on evaluating every freelance wrestler participating in All Japan, and would remove them too if they did not add to the promotion. Couple all of this with promising to make All Japan an island unto itself as of this April, and aiming towards running the Tokyo Dome and knocking New Japan off of it’s #1 status within a year. He has also made revelations of a Dome tour in three years, and that the group has been in serious negotiations with national tv networks TBS, and yes, NTV.

Shiraishi while radical has been also reasonable, stating that any staff member already on good terms with the company would be kept on, so it doesn’t seem that any personnel will be thrown out in favor of those who don’t know what they’re doing (ala WCW). This means that Muto and Masayuki Uchida will stay around has leaders of the actual wrestling, but it looks like Shiraishi will have final say over what is produced.

It is an exciting time for All Japan fans, and after covering the group since 2004, I somewhat can breathe a sigh of relief that this group will have the chance to prove what a lot of us have already known for years. That they too can be on top!


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Came here to post that story too.

Interesting that they want to make All Japan "an island" when the most interesting thing they've done in years was giving all their titles to outsiders.

Three years is a good goal for a Tokyo Dome show. A LOT can happen in that period of time. They need a decent TV deal to pull it off though. What I don't like is the "taking over the n°1 spot within a year" approach. That screams rash and dumb decisions. I hope that quote was just hyperbole by Shiraishi.

Honga Ciganesta

Japanese Keyhole Porn Don
May 1, 2012


Sweet poster though :leon:


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
:deadrose: They did not need to destroy KENSO like that (....okay, they did, but it was still cruel).

Honestly, this sounds a bit like a return to the All Japan model of the 1990s, with the "island unto itself" thing, but I'm not sure how successful that will be given AJPW's state (rising, yes, but a few stupid decisions could kill it easily).

I'll be watching with interest.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Some news.

- There's still no matches booked for Kobashi's show, but tickets are selling very well.

- Shirashi had an interview with Tokyo Sports were he said that he wasn't waiting 3 years and wanted to do a Tokyo Dome show for next March and that the plan now is being able to do 4 Dome shows in 3 years (don't know if that's total or 4 in 1 year). He also threw a jab at New Japan and said Nagata and Nakamura are the only good wrestlers on their roster.

- It seems that Funaki ain't happy with the change of command and he might be leaving All Japan soon.

- Daisuke Sekimoto beat Manabu Soya to win the Strong Title. In the same show, Jaki Numazawa had his retirement match against Jun Kasai (who knows how real his retirement will be though).

- Kenny Omega retained the KO-D title against Nakazawa.

- Card for NOAH's next "big" show in Yokohama

NOAH "GREAT VOYAGE 2013 IN YOKOHAMA", 10.03.2013 (G+)
Yokohama Bunka Gymnasium

1. NOAH vs. Diamond Ring: Satoshi Kajiwara vs. Hitoshi Kumano
2. Voodoo Murders vs. Bravado Brothers: Kento Miyahara & Taishi Takizawa vs. Lance Bravado & Harlem Bravado
3. Akitoshi Saito & Masao Inoue vs. Kensuke Sasaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima
4. BRAVE vs. TMDK: Takeshi Morishima, Mohammed Yone & Yoshinari Ogawa vs. Shane Haste, Mikey Nicholls & Jonah Rock
5. GHC Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title: Super Crazy & Ricky Marvin (c) vs. Maybach Taniguchi Jr. & Genba Hirayanagi
6. GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title: Taiji Ishimori (c) vs. Atsushi Kotoge
7. GHC Tag Team Title: Takashi Sugiura & Naomichi Marufuji (c) vs. Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka
8. GHC Heavyweight Title: KENTA (c) vs. Maybach Taniguchi

- Card for All Japan's next Sumo Hall show:

Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan

1. All Asia Tag Team Title: Koji Kanemoto & Minoru Tanaka (c) vs. Kotaro Suzuki & Atsushi Aoki
2. AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Title: Yoshinobu Kanemaru (c) vs. Kaz Hayashi
3. Special Tag Match: Keiji Muto & Don Frye vs. Yoshihiro Takayama & Masayuki Kono
4. Special Singles Match: Seiya Sanada vs. KAI
5. AJPW World Tag Team Title: Takao Omori & Manabu Soya (c) vs. Jun Akiyama & Go Shiozaki
6. Triple Crown: Masakatsu Funaki (c) vs. Suwama

Main event has a "KO only" stipulation :obama:

- New Japan will announce the NJ Cup participants on their youtube channel tomorrow.

- New Japan's Anniversary show results
NJPW "ANNIVERSARY SHOW", 03.03.2013 (Samurai! TV)
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
2,015 Fans - Super No Vacancy Full House

1. Anniversary Opening Match: Hiromu Takahashi & Takaaki Watanabe besiegen Yohei Komatsu & Sho Tanaka (8:43) nach einem Single-Leg Crab Hold von Takahashi gegen Komatsu.
2. Hirooki Goto, Karl Anderson, Tama Tonga & Ryusuke Taguchi besiegen Yuji Nagata, Super Strong Machine, Wataru Inoue & Captain New Japan (9:23) nach dem Gun Stun von Anderson gegen Captain.
3. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title: Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA (c) besiegen Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask (11:22) nach dem Shelley Clutch von Shelley gegen Tiger (2nd defense).
4. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima, Togi Makabe & Manabu Nakanishi besiegen Toru Yano, Takashi Iizuka, Yujiro Takahashi & YOSHI-HASHI (12:27) als YOSHI-HASHI disqualifiziert wurde.
5. Elimination Match: Minoru Suzuki, Davey Boy Smith Jr., TAKA Michinoku & Kengo Mashimo besiegen Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Gedo & Jado (19:50)
6. IWGP Intercontinental Title: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) besiegt Lance Archer (15:01) mit dem Boma Ye (6th defense).
7. Anniversary Special Singles Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi besiegt Prince Devitt (17:43) mit dem High Fly Flow.


Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
Some news.

- There's still no matches booked for Kobashi's show, but tickets are selling very well.

- Shirashi had an interview with Tokyo Sports were he said that he wasn't waiting 3 years and wanted to do a Tokyo Dome show for next March and that the plan now is being able to do 4 Dome shows in 3 years (don't know if that's total or 4 in 1 year). He also threw a jab at New Japan and said Nagata and Nakamura are the only good wrestlers on their roster.

- It seems that Funaki ain't happy with the change of command and he might be leaving All Japan soon.

- Daisuke Sekimoto beat Manabu Soya to win the Strong Title. In the same show, Jaki Numazawa had his retirement match against Jun Kasai (who knows how real his retirement will be though).

- Kenny Omega retained the KO-D title against Nakazawa.

- Card for NOAH's next "big" show in Yokohama

- Card for All Japan's next Sumo Hall show:

Main event has a "KO only" stipulation :obama:

- New Japan will announce the NJ Cup participants on their youtube channel tomorrow.

- New Japan's Anniversary show results
NJPW "ANNIVERSARY SHOW", 03.03.2013 (Samurai! TV)
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
2,015 Fans - Super No Vacancy Full House

1. Anniversary Opening Match: Hiromu Takahashi & Takaaki Watanabe besiegen Yohei Komatsu & Sho Tanaka (8:43) nach einem Single-Leg Crab Hold von Takahashi gegen Komatsu.
2. Hirooki Goto, Karl Anderson, Tama Tonga & Ryusuke Taguchi besiegen Yuji Nagata, Super Strong Machine, Wataru Inoue & Captain New Japan (9:23) nach dem Gun Stun von Anderson gegen Captain.
3. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title: Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA (c) besiegen Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask (11:22) nach dem Shelley Clutch von Shelley gegen Tiger (2nd defense).
4. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima, Togi Makabe & Manabu Nakanishi besiegen Toru Yano, Takashi Iizuka, Yujiro Takahashi & YOSHI-HASHI (12:27) als YOSHI-HASHI disqualifiziert wurde.
5. Elimination Match: Minoru Suzuki, Davey Boy Smith Jr., TAKA Michinoku & Kengo Mashimo besiegen Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Gedo & Jado (19:50)
6. IWGP Intercontinental Title: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) besiegt Lance Archer (15:01) mit dem Boma Ye (6th defense).
7. Anniversary Special Singles Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi besiegt Prince Devitt (17:43) mit dem High Fly Flow.


:gladbron: The war is on!


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Who knows. It's the same guy who talked about isolating All Japan like in the 90's when he took over the company :laugh:


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Early links are back :gladbron:

Purojitsu is back. Please share far and wide.

No need for "Thank you" comments. Thank us by sharing this with your friends, uploading on the appropriate YT/DM channels, and making it widely available for all. The age of a$$holes holding the Puroresu scene hostage is over.

Also, please tell us what you think of this show, and what you'd like to see.

New Japan's 41st Anniversary show

pass: puro

all credit goes to judoka607

PS: It's on XWT too :ahh: