Interesting comment from this youtube vid below:
kohlton white 7 months ago
Truth be told, Japanese women like to date white gaijin more than darker skin gaijin. Mainly because of status. The ugly true about Japan is that racism is bigger there when it comes to "dating," than in western countries. Before you write this off as BS. This isn't my personal opinion. My fiancee is Japanese, from Japan (barely westernized). She said it's mainly about what your children's skin tone will be. If your children are Asian/White mixed, then you would see that the skin tone is very similar. Whereas if your children are Asian/Black mixed the skin tone is dark and to the grandparents of these mixed children mainly the grandmothers they will most likely fear what their friends might say or think about the status of their family. Which older Japanese women care about status more than anything, because status is bragging rights. Once again this isn't my opinion, just what I have heard. I've been to Japan and my advice to anyone who is planning on going there, please remember that you rep the rest of us. So please be kind and respectful when you go to Japan.