This just popped up on Amazon Prime, so I figured I'd check it out. I didn't watch any of the trailers, so this wasn't at all what I expected.
He looks almost exactly like a combination of Christian Bale's and Jared Leto's characters from American Psycho.
I'd say American Psycho is the movie most similar to this, right down to the ending.
I'm wondering if one of the reasons people in this thread had a problem with the ending was that they didn't view this as a satire the whole time. It wasn't as blatant as American Psycho, but I do think it was kind of a satire as opposed to a "realistic" portrait of the news industry. For example, they way they were feeding lines to the newscasters on screen from the control booth. That can't be meant to be realistic, can it? (Though the newscaster's on camera dialog seemed EXACTLY like what you'd hear on a cheap local news broadcast).
Finally got around to seeing this. I work in news so a lot of this shyt was hilarious. Stringers don't have that much power, and usually don't get anything better than our actual photographers get. And with everyone putting everything on social media nowadays stringers are even more irrelevant. But I get that the whole thing is a satire of the whole "if it bleeds it leads" local tv news cycle so it worked in that sense.

Didn't actually think of it at the time, but modern technology makes many of the plot elements dated already. This must have been written back in the 90's, now that I think about it. There's a scene early on when (I think) Bill Paxton's character mentions that he should get a special satellite uplink van to upload his footage to his FTP site. Nowadays, the average cell phone has enough bandwidth to take care of that no problem. Plus the camcorder he bought at the beginning looked like it might have been mini VHS.
They probably should have used older model cars and just set the movie in 1998.
Speaking of which, that was maybe the greatest car chase I've ever seen on film. Everything moved like it had real mass and momentum. If there was CGI involved, it was totally undetectable.