It's hilarious how after the backlash, now she's backtracking on everything. Now she saying "wait me and Will are together."
Now she saying "I didn't say me and Pac was soul mates."
If somebody would press her dumb ass on selling crack and her saying Jaden introduced her to psychedelics, she'd backtrack on that too.
She's a liar.
This is the real reason Will is unbothered. Cause she's an ornery hoe who thinks she knows everything and he's enjoying seeing her get humbled like the rest of us.
He'll eventually save her cause at the end of the day, it's his wife. But he letting her suffer for now.
And I don't want to hear anything about that weak statement that his people gave to the NY Times. He could go on camera with her and save her dumb ass right now if he really wanted to. And he probably will eventually.
But he letting the people cook her for right now and I love it.