Its time to remind you all that 4K is a lie

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Because of the immuturity factor of this section, I'll have to place these disclaimers.

This is a forum so its for dscussion purposes. If you're just a fan of Courtdog please post in his only fans live chat :tu:
If you read something you disagree with, its ok. And you're encouraged to speak on it but please don't if you're making it up as you go
Thank you in advance,

The Management :manny:

Now, I have explained in a previous post that human's can't see in 4K. The science behind that statement can be found here...
I'm sure everyone here has the highest acuity, but then the distances and sizes they say you'd have to view it to see it? Like to really see it?
The ideal display resolution for your eyes depends on your visual acuity, the viewing distance, and the diagonal size of your TV.

The ideal maximum display sizes for viewing from two feet away are 14″ for 1080p, 18.5″ for 2K, and 28″ for 4K.

The ideal maximum display sizes for viewing from four feet away are 30″ for 1080p, 41″ for 2K, and 61″ for 4K.
So you high acuity vision nikkaz sitting this close to watch movies and game? Would that be 'winning" :usure:
Now lets get to the MEAT of this thread, and this part will require YOU. What I need you to do is recall how you felt when you first saw an HDTV?

Do you remember when there was only 1080i TV's in the wild? I got mine during the OG xbox era so I could play the Matrix in HD
My panasonic AK-47 at the time, the picture clarity.. man, maybe my acuity was on point then but WOW. 47in 1080i
Does anybody find it odd that if they attempted to show you a 1080i image at all (which they don't do) by todays standards they'll tell you it would look grainy.
In fact, 720p is the lowest HD setting now but once upon a time it was the Goat standard until 1080p landed. And people bought those 720p sets in all sizes.
Nobody said the picutre looked grainy tho back then :jbhmm:

As a console gamer, the\ way they "SOLD" you on the idea is mainly by the lettering. In 1080p often times you couldn't even read the text because it was too small
You know, 1080p makes the resolution so great that wording gets small :wow: And if you play in 720p then the words are huge. I never seen this happen when watching a movie at different resolutions but in gaming.... it's a factor :leostare: We all fell for it, and that's ok. But it was a lie :francis:
This was PROVEN RECENTLY when it became known that CRT's can give you identical if not better image quality than an LED, so we talking OLED'esk
Why was this FACT never mentioined until they got rid of all the CRTs?

And you think that is just a coincidence? I bet you are willing to go with that is the only jedi mind trick being played. 4K is legit, shut up Courtfrog :camby:
Besides the fact I have an OLED, I've seen all the top brands and even shyt none of us got like 8K shyt. I literally seen it with my own eyes.
But what I know is this. When stores like Walmart or Best-Buy have the TV's running on a loop to showcase how great the definition is. I peeped long ago that they would use the same loop. Usually something with water. And imo, the best image quality I seen on a screen was at a HHGreg with a 3DTV that didn't require glasses to see it in 3D
It was like looking into a halogram, that TV impressed me the most til this day. These 4KTV's of today are by default better than the average TV from yesteryear but the reason its all lies is because they act like anything less than 4K won't look right on a TV bigger than what... 32in now? The clearest image in a game for me was Skies of Arcadia on Dreamcast hooked up to a PC monitor. Soul Calibur on that was amazing as well. Bet it wouldn' look that good on your OLED today.
But here's the thing about that.... The Dreamcast was a 480i machine that could do 480p when connected via that VGA adaptor :wtf:
I know, I'm talking bullshyt. Here's a white man saying it...

Sohh in conclusion, the confusion is an illusion :ufdup:
In your mind you will conclude that its the TV manufacturers who are misleading you but its everyone involved. They can't push a lie without everyone agreeing to play along.
Then the lies become real, and then a fanboy of that product is born. From a business perspective EVERYONE BENEFITS. From the consumer perspective?
We riding for buzzwords :snoop:


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
Jun 4, 2014
this is why i got a series s i don't have a 4k tv so there isn't much point in getting an X my 1080p 52 samsung with a high refresh rate fits in the room perfectly

don't have space for another tv and don't feel like selling just to upgrade

I also plan on getting a PS5 + disc drive at some point so the whole underpowered thing doesn't really concern me because the exclusives never get short changed Forza Horizon 5 looks and runs excellent

its only a few multiplats like Gotham Knights and Sniper Elite 5...