Its time for blacks to declare war on black on black war, terror and victimization


...And Dan was the Serpant
Dec 21, 2015
Gunns Rd
If you want to fix black on black, start a business and employ these dudes that's on the street corners. Violence and poverty go hand in hand, so if you're serious about everything you just typed you at the very least should be either employing these men yourself or helping to get them career/job training so they can get out the streets.

If you're not doing that you're no better than a Twitter activists.

You really believe the goons are doing what they do because they can't find a job?:mjlol: . We really need to stop playing this game with ourselves. Next thing your going to tell me is they're shooting each other to put food on the table. Let's stops playing pretendo

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Ronnie Ron Ron
I am not a racist.
st0rmfr0nt can get it.
I am not acting black

I have higher standard.

I am a leader and I expect results and address real issues concerning what I said.

Its your fault, you think its okay, 3 kids in car, 33 shots, that is normal to you...

You have a problem in your head, if you think is normal...

Too many shootings, if your shooter pals dont fear death, what do they fear?

You go home to vists your friend, you in the front or back seat, some goon shoots you up,
I watching the video should not be concerned?

You're Caucasian right?

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
It is increasingly difficult to just "stop" the violence. I don't want to put a stigma on anyone but there are certain pockets of the country where it would be difficult to just say "hey...stop the violence" and expect a serious response.

However, if every sensible black person (you me etc.etc.) made the right moves collectively, we could cause a dramatic shift in our culture. There are "bad apples" in any culture. We could create a positive society and help each other and mobilize out of bad situations. Eventually the violence would decrease.

There is NO "war" on "black on black violence" that is going to work. No crying mothers/grandmothers, no plea by celebrities, no march or protest that is going to create enough of an impact to make those kids in Chicago (for example) to immediately stop killing each other. However, if we mobilized and controlled our dollars, adopted and helped kids who need us, created our own infrastructure, we would attract the best and over the years things would change.
There is no one answer.

I believe in black economy

I also believe...lining up a black shooter who we have video of, actually shooting a good black man.

lining him up and letting my legal firing squad, agreed by the elite black community, to light him up, in a video, sends a powerful message that black men with guns doing nothing for my community, not lay one fukking finger on an unarmed man.

black men with guns doing random or targeted shootings are not worthly. you dont shoot 33 shots and walk away. and no one says nothing. I have drones. I will find you.

This is leadership.


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
Reparations would fix alot of this shyt.
white supremacy would have you thinking black people are living like Mad Max Fury Road. Crime has steadily declined nationwide. shyt, anybody old enough to remember the 80's and 90's should be able to tell you that black people really aren't out here gun sllinging like they were back then. It seems worse because we know about about every single little thing that happens due to the internet and 24 hour news channels. And since reparations will never be paid, it's just going to take time to fix black problems. There are no overnight solutions.


All Star
Jan 27, 2015

*Just realized how this could be misconstrued. I posted this because it was a good example of a kangaroo court. I.E. a superficial judicial system. I do not think that African-Americans that commit a crime should either be killed or exiled. To solve crime in the inner city you have to deal with it holistically. If someone commits violent crime lock them up. Stop locking up people for crimes that have no victim. Improve the schools. Bring in jobs. Start job training centers. Prevent employers from discriminating due to criminal history. Invest in anti-recidivism programs. Increase the hours that kids are at school. Increase the number of after school programs. Increase the number of community programs that will give kids something to do instead of just being lazy. Crack down on gangs. Destroy and repurpose unused housing. Destroy and rethink project housing so that we don't have concentrated areas of poverty. Increase the amount of low-income housing in wealthier neighborhoods. Start family programs where social workers work with families until they are on their own two feet and self-sufficient.

But all of this is abstract. Some programs and initiatives will work and others will fail. The government must approach the issue with a "Clarity of vision, but flexibility of progress." The how is not the issue. The issue is that we don't have the will. A good comparison to think about is how would this country fight a war. The generals wouldn't lay out the strategy before the war started and refuse to change their strategy if things turned sour. Rather they would make sure to have the best and most timely information and adjust as the War progressed. It's the same thing with this.

"What is needed today on the part of white America is a committed altruism which recognizes this truth. True altruism is more than the capacity to pity; it is the capacity to empathize. Pity is feeling sorry for someone; empathy is feeling sorry with someone. Empathy is fellow feeling for the person in need – his pain, agony and burdens. I doubt if the problems of our teeming ghettos will have a great chance to be solved until the white majority, through genuine empathy, comes to feel the ache and anguish of the Negroes’ daily life."

"The White liberal must affirm that absolute justice for the Negro simply means, in the Aristotelian sense, that the Negro must have “his due.” There is nothing abstract about this. It is as concrete as having a good job, a good education, a decent house and a share of power. It is, however, important to understand that giving a man his due may often mean giving him special treatment. I am aware of the fact that this has been a troublesome concept for many liberals since it conflicts with their traditional ideal of equal opportunity and equal treatment of people to their individual merits. But this is a day which demands new thinking and the reevaluation of old concepts. A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for him in order to equip him to compete on a just and equal basis."
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Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
You're Caucasian right?
I am one of the leaders of grand nubia

It comes to point when blacks have the answers and it comes to point where, we cannot give whites any stats to use against us.

why should whites have this ideas to do actual good for the hood.

its a painful pill.

but you not doing anything is being a part of the problem and so are whites.

join the movment.
brand nubia forever. tattoo it on your chest. erase all the other irrelevant tattoos.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I am one of the leaders of grand nubia

It comes to point when blacks have the answers and it comes to point where, we cannot give whites any stats to use against us.

why should whites have this ideas to do actual good for the hood.

its a painful pill.

but you not doing anything is being a part of the problem and so are whites.

join the movment.
brand nubia forever. tattoo it on your chest. erase all the other irrelevant tattoos.

I see that you're obviously trolling. Peace :ehh:

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
It's proven that Black crime is lower than all races when they have a middle class or higher income. Our issue is the poor which is all things evil.
who will regulate the poor?

isnt that not what, "cops", "white cops" claim to be doing? huh.

you let them, huh




May 20, 2015
Let's be clear that police brutality and black on black violence are two completely separate issues.

I agree, we have lost so many in the past 30 years alone....many due to a lack of basic conflict resolution skills.

Think of all the inner cities in the US who engage in the "street culture".....not a stretch to say that over 500K Black lives may have been lost in the past 3 decades

Now that's Genocide
