It’s getting to a point where ANY black person with a decent job is going to be accused of being a diversity hire.

In The Zone '98

Oct 30, 2017
White Men don't want White Woman in positions of power so they attack PoC in positions of power


Mar 11, 2022

The type of shyt you would only find on niche cac messageboards are now being spewed, spread, and credited by elites like Musk and Cackman. Ironically, it be the most mediocre, nonachieving cacs shouting the loudest about IQ, intellect, and test scores. The walls are closing in.

It is well known that SAT scores correlate most with household income. Those who can afford to hire tutors to train for the test do the best. This has been well documented for some time now.

It's also funny that they specifically mentioned airplane crashes and killing hundreds of people. How many brehs or brehettes were behind the decisions that got hundreds of people killed in those Boeing 737 Max crashes (which were proven to not be from pilot error, but due to the negligence of the cac-led corporation Boeing)?
May 3, 2012
St louis
Same as it ever was.


the lesbian converter
Nov 8, 2013
OG Coli Night
The world is becoming far left vs far right. Just like that Metal Gear Solid game has predicted.
If you let social media and major news networks tell it, it seems that way. Talk to people at work, or out in the world in general and people are centrist or apolitical. I hate small talk. If a stranger isn't into music or anime we talking politics, movies, or religion usually in that order.


Mar 10, 2014
If you let social media and major news networks tell it, it seems that way. Talk to people at work, or out in the world in general and people are centrist or apolitical. I hate small talk. If a stranger isn't into music or anime we talking politics, movies, or religion usually in that order.
Same thing for me too. Most people around me sound centrist. It's a safe zone where you're not offending anyone. No guarantees that some of such people back home don't write radical shyt online.

The problem with centrism is its inability to talk to the dumber society. The dumb society is very active at voting and we're seeing results in the west. Multiple European countries voted for far right wing leaning politicians in 2023. In a rich country like Germany two currently rising parties are far left and far right leaning.
And those are countries where you can choose from more than just two political parties.

This problem needs to be fixed and central leaning politicians gotta find how to talk to persuade some not to go radical route.


Mar 11, 2022
98% of CACs/most races except black are not living off merit.

Indians hire indians
Asians hire asians
Latinos hire latinos
Jews hire jews

The only people who don’t build and hire each other is black Americans.

I know so many CACs who have their job strictly cause someone knew someone’s uncle.

I know of an Indian “school” that teaches IT shyt, you pay the money up front like 20k or you give them 1/2 your paycheck. You go there for 6 months and “graduate” they get you hired at 6figures. They cracked that IT system and run it now.
Asians, Latinos, and Jews all got support from the west, that’s the only reason they can do the shyt they doing now

Let’s stop with these, “black folks don’t build”, talk
I don’t know what yall except former slaves to operate like everybody else in a racist country, especially when we have examples of them purposefully boxing us out


Mar 11, 2022
I see all these events as further declaration of war (I am not being hyperbolic) on Black people and the never-ending effort to relegate or keep Black people as a permanent underclass relative to any other group. That's why when I see threads on Gillie downplaying education and the DC thread about the 273 murders in 2023 as very disheartening and sad (overwhelming majority of the perpetrators and victims are Black).

We need to see this as literally war and an attack on our humanity therefore willing to allocate all efforts toward everything that adds value to our communities no matter the obstacles and challenges and stop committing unforced errors and control what we can control (i.e. high value on education, make our young people understand its value, push them into fields that consequential to the development of our communities, good solid healthy relationships among ourselves, stable households, high EQ when it comes to conflict resolution basically all the shyt that we can control culturally.

I feel like once you can do that, it propels you to fight systemic forces if not it's like fighting a two front war. Affirmative action legislation even in the most liberal states (CA) have shown that if other groups perceive Black people as the main beneficiaries of such policy, then it will be struck down. We need a mindset of pure self-interest, prioritizing values that benefit our communities and just fight like hell to propel each other (meaning no bullshyt intra gender and diaspora wars or any other type of divisions).
Knowledge is power, and people need to do everything they can to learn different shyt


Mar 11, 2022
It's funny because you could replace "ADOS" with white men and black people with "Africans" in the above paragraph and the same would remain true. There are accounts dedicated to posting negativity about Africans by ADOS or at least people pretending to be ADOS all over Twitter and on this very forum, there are posts that claim Africans don't merit their position in American society (whether academia, business, professional fields etc) and are only being promoted to "replace" ADOS, which is eerily similar to the "great replacement theory". The irony is amazing.

My point? Who cares what they think. So a bunch of white people in a white echo chamber are being racist. And guess what? Water is wet. Ignore the bullshyt and keep doing what you as a black man need to do - which is to progress in the best way possible despite what society chooses to define you as.

Also, these discussions would not be had if we collectively came together, built black businesses from the ground up and supported one another. Literally, the whole' black people complaining in Hollywood' for instance is baffling to me, when there are enough black producers and actors in Hollywood to build their own studios. There are enough millionaire athletes, currently playing and retired to start their own leagues. There are enough black people in tech to start their own companies. What is stopping a group of young tech entrepreneurs from starting a rival app to Twitter that heavily moderates anti-black agendas?

You don't need to cry and sob about being talked about in white spaces. Just do what YOU need to do and forget them because a racist will look down on you regardless of your accolades.
You and @get these nets really tried to make this a ados vs Africans topic huh

This what people like Elon musk can do the shyt they do because of y’all c00ns


Oct 8, 2014
"Clinton then secured numerous important wins in each of the nine most populous states including California, New York, Florida, and Texas, while Sanders scored various victories in between"

The graphic and the quote are taken from the wikipedia page about the 2016 primary. If you choose to run with "Bernie lost because Black people were hustled, don't know what we're doing, don't understand politics", go right ahead . "The other voters knew what they were doing, but not Black voters. He lost because of us" Mentioned several times here that I was disheartened reading Black Bernie supporters repeat this nonsense.

I'm in metro NYC area. I saw the opening date of 2017 Cop Pleas Tour from the political scientists and pollsters. They were laughing and patting themselves on the back in Oct. 2016 and launched their tour once the shock wore off that their projections were wrong.

We have all heard/read every excuse and reason, yet "Bernie was secure to beat Trump" is what you're saying, based on the same series of polls. And you're saying this in 2024?

Since you know me to be a "reasonable poster", then you'll know I tend to try and remove emotions out of the conversation. Your posts seem to be a little too skewed because you are using emotion instead of logic, so allow me to break things down for you in a more nuanced way, and hopefully now you will understand the point.

The article you mentioned LITERALLY mentioned all the points I mentioned as to why Bernie would have been the stronger candidate in the general elections.

At least three key types of error have emerged as likely contributors to the pro-Clinton bias in pre-election surveys. Undecided voters broke for Mr. Trump in the final days of the race, or in the voting booth. Turnout among Mr. Trump’s supporters was somewhat higher than expected. And state polls, in particular, understated Mr. Trump’s support in the decisive Rust Belt region, in part because those surveys did not adjust for the educational composition of the electorate — a key to the 2016 race.

1. Independents OVERWHELMINGLY preferred Sanders to Clinton (64%/34%) and that is statistically significant as I'm sure you would agree. The Other Huge Demographic Split Between Clinton and Sanders

2. Hillary Clinton lost to Trump in the Rust Belt states - a region where Bernie was decidedly popular. Specifically, Bernie was popular in rural counties of the Rust Belt states for his proposed trade policies. States like New York and California are inconsequential obviously because they always break Democrat. Bernie won in Indiana and Michigan and then also in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Hillary lost 3 out of those 4 states. She won in already traditionally Democratic States. Even in States like Pennsylvania and New York, she was weaker in rural counties than Bernie (she was heavily popular in cities).

Hillary got upwards of 90% of the black vote in Southern States (the the so called Southern Firewall) which she barely worked for other than offering platitudes and jive talk. 91% in Alabama ; 91% in Arkansas; 89% in Tennessee; 89% in Mississippi; 86% in South Carolina; 85% in Georgia! Other than Tennessee, all these these have over 50% black votes. These are facts, not emotions.

Lastly bruh, you need to look at things once again from a nuanced perspective, otherwise you fall victim to emotions like the person accusing me of being a "Bernie Bro" despite being an independent thinker. I was only excited about a candidate pushing for universal healthcare, criminal justice reform, income disparity - all issues that affect the black community disproportionately.

So when we look at the polls, you have to look at the margin of error, and also understand that the popular vote. Hillary was projected to win by 3% of the popular vote (she won by 2%). She still won the popular vote, but only won in States where she was supposed to win, and lost in some States that she shouldn't have - i.e those Obama working class voters in key swings states. I'm not sure why this point is still not being recognized. Bernie was projected to win on average by 11% in polls. That is an INSURMOUNTABLE lead in terms of polling when you consider margin of error. He simply would not have lost the Trump. It has nothing to do with the quality of the polling, but for the aforementioned reasons.

I hope you understand a little bit better breh.


Oct 8, 2014
You and @get these nets really tried to make this a ados vs Africans topic huh

This what people like Elon musk can do the shyt they do because of y’all c00ns

Lil nikka I'm just drawing parallels for the OP so he can learn to ignore people with agendas.

Pick up a book and learn to how to take care of yourself in society breh. Imagine blaming another black man for something a racist white person is doing, and I'm the c00n?