No not at all.
Fans have a choice (as they do with any other form of entertainment)
watch...or don't watch
But acting like an insider and trying to "determine" who should win based on the arbitrary system of "I like X...I don't like X should win and Y should jump off of a cliff" is silly as fyck
people take "wrestling" so's LESS believable than Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead. It's literally grown men and women coming from the same backstage area in their underwear, play fighting in the ring, for meaningless belts meant to resemble boxing titles. There is no point in trying to be a "smart mark" or getting so upset that "Vince chose Roman...I hate Roman... Braun doesn't need the briefcase." etc. because it's literally a TV show. It's incredibly easy to turn it off if someone is that worked up by it
"be sheep and accept mediocrity" is such a silly statement for an optional thing like entertainment. If you don't like the Mike Myers movie "The Love Guru" (a terrible less than mediocre movie) you don't have to watch it. You don't have to be a fan of it. No one is forcing you to watch it. We use these terms and these feelings like the WWE is a your only form of entertainment. If you don't like it now you can turn on the network and watch re-runs. You can watch PWG, ROH, NJPW, AAA, Lucha Underground, etc. etc. You can choose to watch any other "sport". If the product is mediocre, no one is forcing anyone to "be a sheep and accept it", you have all of the right in the world to opt out.
The issue (specifically with that statement...and this ties to my original point) is that we feel "entitled" to better. It's not going to get better, so why complain? They aren't going to crown YOUR or MY favorite wrestler champion tomorrow, so why care to the point where it matters personally? They aren't going to put Vader in the HOF before his death, or give black wrestlers more appropriate gimmicks, or (insert gripe), or any other thing that you or I think they should or should've already done.
(I know that part of the camaraderie of being a wrestling fan is complaining, but hopefully you can decipher what I'm saying)