It's amazing how far out of the reality nikkas on the coli are


Gentleman at Dawn, Pornstar at Dusk
Jan 30, 2016
The amount of bullshyt i see being pushed on this site on the daily is just :mjlol:
I think what happens is, loners come on these forums to congregate with other loners then they start rehashing theories and myths they've heard from other loners until it becomes a general theme on the forum. Instead of going outside and gaining knowledge from personal experiences they would rather listen to youtubers like Tariq and Oshay.

Cases in point:

Black Women Are Bedwenches : There's this notion on here that Black Women are secretly sleeping with White Men and leaving Black Men in waves just because some insecure fear mongering ass nikkas deliberately search for interracial couples online and listen to these bitter oldheads on youtube ranting about black women.

Reality : Anyone who goes outside on the daily can clearly see that black men and women love each other. One trip to the mall and you'll see black couples smiling and holding hands. But let these internet nikkas tell it.. "shea butter twitter said there's a conspiracy to eradicate black men".

ALL White Women Want The Brehs : I'm a self admitted pawg chaser and even this is funny to me. nikkas who clearly have zero experiences with whites start creating their own caricature of them based off of what they see on tv,porn and hearsay. They've watched porn to the point where they truly believe that ALL white women want us. Even the ones who are racist somehow "likes brehs on the low".

Reality : Most white women in America don't want nothing to do with the brehs. Again, anyone who goes outside can clearly see whites loving and dating their own. Majority of whites live in predominantly white suburbs but somehow nikkas up here think that Holly Mckinsey from Sun Valley Estates is driving her BMW X3 to the hood to see Daquan and Jerome on Martin Luther King blvd. They must be forgetting that Holly is clutching her belongings and walking faster when she's near these individuals. But let the coli tell it, "ALL white women want the brehs, even the racist ones..

80/20 rule/ You have to be 6'5,chiseled muscular and make 100,000 a year to get a women in America:
Now this one is widespread on forums and is often rehashed to the point where people think its true. Lames online who blame everybody but themselves love to convince everybody that the only men in the country that are eating good meals are the ones who are extremely tall,muscular,confident and make six figs a year

Reality : Average male height in America is 5'9 - 5'10. Majority of Americans don't even workout, most people are not chiseled because if they were it would be impossible to know model's names by heart seeing how there would be such a huge influx of models. Go to restaurants,movie theaters,shopping districts and you can clearly see average everyday couples. These guys eat because they stay in their lane. If you are a 5, you have no business chasing after 9's.

Alpha Males / Beta Males / Omega Males : Another common theme ive seen posted on here and other forums. Lames thinking that putting on a act and pretending to be Alpha will get them girls.

Reality : There is no such thing as alpha and beta males in the human species. Humans are too complex to be molded into three separate categories. And to top it off, these categories are subjective. Some men thinking disrespecting women makes them an alpha but what if those same males are emotional and like to cry? Does that make him a a beta male ? :patrice: Again, humans are too complex for categories.

The reality of it is, majority of yall don't go outside or even have friends irl. So yall come up here spreading bullshyt that yall read from social media and these oldheads on youtube rather than yall own personal experiences.
Feb 5, 2016
Bedwenches do exist tho it's black woman who put up with bs from white dudes or date white dudes that they would never date if he was black and vice versa aka bedbucks.

Height thing is real most woman like taller dudes this fact. 80/20 Not really true even tho dusty ain't shyt nikkas do have alot of kids by different woman. The avg dudes still eating pretty good.

White woman like all the brehs no woman ever said this nor have I ever seen it promoted.

Btw she don't have to drive down to know hood to see a black dude it's plenty in the suburbs already.

There myth and truth in all things u said I believe what I see not what I hear.