Yo, Chuck these honeydrippers are still fronting on us..........show them we can do this, like Brutus. haha yeah boyyyyyy
And poor McCartney takes it to heart that it's always "
Lennon and McCartney" rather than the other way around.
One of the best ever BUT 2nd to your own band-mate.
A band-mate who couldn't stop sneak dissing.
"When I'm Sixty-Four"
John snidely referred to this one as "granny music." When asked about the authorship of the song, he said it was "Paul's, completely. I would never
dream of writing a song like that."
"Good Morning, Good Morning"
John never liked this one, and would eventually call it "a piece of garbage."
"Hello, Goodbye"
John was furious that this song was chosen to be an A-side over his more experimental "I Am the Walrus." "It wasn't a great piece," he said of the McCartney tune. "The best bit was the end, which we all ad-libbed in the studio, where I played piano."
"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"
John despised this song, and resented that the band spent more time on it in the studio than anything else on the White Album.
"Rocky Racc00n"
He was very embarrassed by this one, especially all the cover versions of it that came along. "I saw Bob Hope doing it once on the telly years ago," he said in an interview. "I just thanked God it wasn't one of mine."
"Cry Baby Cry"
He disliked it so much he denied writing it in an interview. "Not me, a piece of rubbish."
"Let It Be"
"It has nothing to do with The Beatles," he said in a 1980 interview with David Sheff. "It could've been Wings. I don't know what [Paul's] thinking when he writes 'Let It Be.'"
18 Beatles Songs That John Lennon Totally Hated