From a business standpoint, Cena vs Bryan easily makes more sense than Kofi vs Bryan.
From a standpoint of building a character, Kofi vs Bryan would make most sense. When fans are ready to embrace a character, you have to jump.
They'll get much more attention and $ from Cena/Bryan, but the argument of them not building new stars (and I know Kofi is a vet) continues to hold true.
that doesnt even make sense, Mania already sold out, and they are only airing on the network, trust me by now if you arent aleady paying for the network, Cena/Bryan isnt going to change your mind.
The people that are going to watch mania are already watching, they arent going to lose money by giving 99% of their fanbase what they want to see. If that was how they thought they would have never replaced batista in 2014, this is basically the same story
You all need to stop doing this to yourselves.
Kofi was never considered for any of this.
He wasn't even supposed to be in the match at ec
He got thrusted in because ali got hurt. If he didnt get hurt no one would have been talking about Kofi.
Referring back to the OP... why are you singling out cena? The report also mentioned zayn, Owen's, taker and batista. Cena is unlikely to face bryan anyways because he signed up to film a tv series in the spring. Of course he could have the time to be back in the wwe before leaving so I may be wrong.
Whats the difference in Zayn Owens and kofi? other than

They already have a storyline and the interest of the entire industry, why throw all of that away and have to start all over with Zayn or KO? They would be doing more work than they have to by trying to create a new story around a bunch of dudes that aint been on tv in months. Taker and batista are obviously not going to happen
I know they wont do it but
they already have their main events in seth vs Brock and Ronda vs Becky vs Charlotte
New day arent building up to anything
D Bry doesnt really have a program going on right now
Mania sold out already
so, why not dbry vs kofi at mania?
Exactly, people always go to well a big star makes more money so I see why thing, I dont think thats proven tho cause like you said Mania already sold out, Cena wasnt on the card last year and the numbers was just fine. This aint the 80's they arent struggling to sell out shows, Vince has already made his money off WM this year. What would it really hurt to ride this kofi movement? the core audience wants to see it more than anything, Cena aint drawing like that because drawing in 2019 is merch sales and having a buzz around you. New day sales merch, so thats not really a legit excuse