It maybe back to throwing pancakes and midcarding. WWE considering Cena\Bryan for Mania


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
Again do not compare Mick Foley and Kofi fukking Kingston. Kofi Kingston is not in the sane league as mick Foley. Again Mick Foley is a better worker, and better promo, a better heel and a better babyface than Kofi Kingston.

No only the stupid ignorant nikkas on the Coli that bring everything back to race would tune in to see a black world champion, purely for the sake of him being black despite there being many more people on that Roster who are better workers, better promos, better heels and better babyface. You want a black world champion get behind Ricochet like I said before, get behind Keith Lee, you could even get behind Velveteen Dream but get all the way the fukk out of here with Kofu Kingston. You don't run a pro wrestling company by putting straps on people cause they been there long, for the best product you put the strap on the best talents. With the exception of jinder everyone you named is a better talent than Kofi.

After hearing this shyt never mind a pro wrestling promotion, I hope you nikkas never get in the position to book a holiday.

Late 90s hardcore Foley a better worker than Kofi?:dwillhuh:


and this is Life As Tha Mac
Jul 24, 2014
nikka cant you read?? I said Kofi Kingston DESERVES the Daniel Bryan match now and my very first comment in this thread i said i have no problem at all with Bryan vs Kofi Kingston at Wrestle mania. I said there is no way in heel though Kofi kingston should win that match and actually be champion. Since when does nikkas on the coli equal the majority of the fan base?

And all this talk of people 'deserving' title shots in a sport that is SCRIPTED what are you talking about. The fact of the matter is Lacey Evans is a heel with a good gimmick that she plays well, good mic skills and is decent in the ring. Her matches aren't filled with the trademark sloppiness of womens matches, sloppiness you will constantly see in a carmella, mandy rose, liv morgan, sarah logan, dana brook, iconics, lana match. She can also cut great heel promos which is perfect for Asuka who is limited promo wise due to her english. Lacey's in ring ability will make it much easier for asuka to carry it to a good match. A Lacey Evans vs Asuka match would be much much better in ring wise than any of the females i mentioned. Her promos would also be great, just how well and believable she plays her gimmick also helps get everything she says over, you buy into it cause you buy into her gimmick. She will have the crowd against her and behind Asuka the face without having to do a back and forth promo with Asuka as Asukas english limits that, Lacey can hold a promo on her own. That is all that matters.

And Charlotte deserves to be in that match because if a female match is gonna headline wrestlemania she deserves to be in it seeing as almost all the females on the roster, including Ronda and Becky owe their best matches to Charlotte.

You see what you did here right?

Fact is Kofi should already won a MITB briefcase by now. As athletic as he is and the things that he's shown he can do in ladder matches and don't get me started on his Rumble spots. He could have easily won a Rumble too.

As far as Kofi not being taken serious becuz of the comedy wasn't Edge & Christian comedy acts? Kurt Angle, Stone Cold at one point was a comedy act after turning heel. HHH in 98 as the head of DX was doing mostly comedic shyt. All those guys won World Titles and no one bats an eye at that.

I pretty sure Kofi won't win vs DBry becuz he's getting the shot at Fastlane had he got the shot at WrestleMania I would have more hope. But maybe later in the year during the summer Kofi can win MITB and that's how he get's his moment to shine.

Carl Tethers

@mastermind is OVO
May 3, 2012