IT: Chapter Two Official Thread


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Aww, man. I really wanted this to be better than it was. It wasn't really scary. I kinda knew that it couldn't be based on the first one, which wasn't very scary either, but I think I was still hoping it would be scarier. I also think it could have been edited a bit tighter. It was a little rambly and long and towards the middle I could feel the length of it. I will say though, that if you are a loyal fan of the book and this universe King created, this movie offers a real deep dive into (most of) the kids and their fears. I say most, because once again, I feel like they short changed Mike Hanlon. Even though he's the one who makes the call to bring the others back home and he's the one taking more of a leadership role here, the film never really go into his background and fears the way they do with the others. He gets like a 5 minute scene covering his background and that's it. It's just so frustrating since he's the only black character. I'm getting sick of this kind of diversity on film, where black people are there, but they're not given the same depth and introspection that everyone is.

Anyway, Pennywise does do some crazy shyt in this one, and some of it is wild and cool, but after awhile, he doesn't feel like a real threat anymore. Also, some of the CGI is wonky and so cartoonish it's hard to take seriously, which is not what you want in your horror film. There were a few scenes that were especially shocking and one of them had nothing to do with Pennywise.
There is a homophobic beat down so fukking brutal it was hard to watch. I really thought they were gonna get stomped to death in the street. I actually think that scene was more horrifying than what took place after with Pennywise.

Anyway, I liked it, but I didn't love it. I'm still glad we got to see a different retelling of this story, and I liked some of the changes they made to the book, I just wanted it to be a lot more scary and tighter. They kinda warn you throughout that it's destined to disappoint by using Bill's career as an author to joke about bad endings. This wasn't a bad ending, just a disappointing one.

6.5 out of 10


Sep 12, 2015
Seen this a few hours ago. Was better than 1 imo. However I felt 1 was a little more "fun" but this was still better. Its hard to explain. There is less comedy in this one but it's still funny. The jokes are more structured because the dikk jokes aren't going to be as funny since they're adults but there's still some there. It isn't scary like the 1st one but it has suspense like moments. The movie is long but it's worth every second imo. Very good movie overall. Worth the two years wait, esp if youve seen the first one you should watch this one aswell.


May 7, 2012
Just got out and I loved it, even more than the first.

The Stephen King self-insert was a little corny but I can't hate on a man with the bibliography he's got :pachaha:
I loved it too . And as a book reader it commending them for incorpo some of the weirder elements from the book and even a big change at the end which is something I always kind of felt bad about


May 7, 2012
Aww, man. I really wanted this to be better than it was. It wasn't really scary. I kinda knew that it couldn't be based on the first one, which wasn't very scary either, but I think I was still hoping it would be scarier. I also think it could have been edited a bit tighter. It was a little rambly and long and towards the middle I could feel the length of it. I will say though, that if you are a loyal fan of the book and this universe King created, this movie offers a real deep dive into (most of) the kids and their fears. I say most, because once again, I feel like they short changed Mike Hanlon. Even though he's the one who makes the call to bring the others back home and he's the one taking more of a leadership role here, the film never really go into his background and fears the way they do with the others. He gets like a 5 minute scene covering his background and that's it. It's just so frustrating since he's the only black character. I'm getting sick of this kind of diversity on film, where black people are there, but they're not given the same depth and introspection that everyone is.

Anyway, Pennywise does do some crazy shyt in this one, and some of it is wild and cool, but after awhile, he doesn't feel like a real threat anymore. Also, some of the CGI is wonky and so cartoonish it's hard to take seriously, which is not what you want in your horror film. There were a few scenes that were especially shocking and one of them had nothing to do with Pennywise.
There is a homophobic beat down so fukking brutal it was hard to watch. I really thought they were gonna get stomped to death in the street. I actually think that scene was more horrifying than what took place after with Pennywise.

Anyway, I liked it, but I didn't love it. I'm still glad we got to see a different retelling of this story, and I liked some of the changes they made to the book, I just wanted it to be a lot more scary and tighter. They kinda warn you throughout that it's destined to disappoint by using Bill's career as an author to joke about bad endings. This wasn't a bad ending, just a disappointing one.

6.5 out of 10
You don’t remember the spoiler from the book? And tbh once they split the adults from the kids in part 1 it was going to be difficult to do part 2 and I give them props for figuring out a way

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
I thought this was about the perfect follow up to the first film. It had the same tone, humor, and level of horror the first did. At about 2 hours 50 minutes you definitely feel the runtime, but despite that and reviews claiming otherwise, this didn’t really feel long in the tooth to me. I’d credit the revolving scenes showcasing each individual loser (with an omission I’ll get to) and the flashback sequences as smart ways to showcase each character’s past and growth to who they had become. I do agree with @NobodyReally in his take that Mike’s character wasn’t as well covered as everyone else’s, I do wish he got the same level of attention the others got. He had a brief horror sequence not even really involving Pennywise, and the revelation in the town history book
at the end when the fire his family died in went from being labeled as crackheads burning to death to a tragic accident caused by wiring
but he didn’t get much else and it felt incomplete not getting that.

Casting wise, nearly all of the grown up characters look like the perfect choices for their child counterparts. I still kinda just see James McAvoy or Bill Hader as opposed to Bill and Richie but that’s me not the film itself. It helped create a complete feeling to this duo of films, you really felt like you saw these kids grow up overnight and become themselves at an older age. I’d rate this somewhere around an 8/10, the best sequel you could ask for and closer to this duo.